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Obrecht recent made a new demand of Brad or she will reveal to Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and whoever else with listen to her the truth about the baby swap. Dr. Obrecht simply wants to Brad to open lines of communication up with her daughter, Britt Westbbourne (Kelly Thiebauld)!
Viewers will recall that Britt and Brad and very good friends and have partners in crime in the past. Brad is the only person in the world who has any influence over Britt at all. So Brad can certainly talk to Britt and request Britt try to make peace with her mother.
General Hospital Spoilers – Would Liesl Obrecht Turn Her Daughter In?
But it can be hard to believe Obrecht even all that interested when she threatened to make sure her Britt is arrested simply because didn’t report the baby sway to the police when Brad told her about the whole situation. It’s doubtful that the mad Doctor would actually turn her only daughter in, but in all honestly anything is possible when it comes to Leisl Obrecht.
So look for Brad to contact Brill and ask her to reconcile with his blackmailer. Britta will likely have no interest in anything to do with Leisl. But she may offer Brad what she thinks is the perfect solution.
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Maybe she will suggest Brad go away with her before the truth comes to light. Deep down, Brad probably already knows it’s only a matter of time will seriously consider taking Sasha up on it. But spoilers show that will ultimately Brad will decide to stay right where is he until the bitter end.
General Hospital Spoilers – Britt Westbourne Will Issue A Warning
Britt wont’ be happy that her mother used her friendship with Brad as a weapon. Expect her to say that Brad should never have to worry about Dr. Leisl O’Brecht hurting him in any way. Obrecht didn’t like it when Britt ignored her, but she will hate it when she faces Britt’s vengeful side.
What do you think? Will Brad be able to convince Britt to make peace with her mother. Will Britt convince Brad to get out before everything comes crashing down around him. Will Dr. Obrecht stop her blackmail schemes in order to appease Britta?
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Would you like to see Britt return to Port Charles for good or stop by long enough to help Brad make his own escape. Exciting times are coming up so what General Hospital weekdays on ABC and keep checking back here for all the latest spoilers and news!
She coming back too o nooooooooooooooo more trouble in paradise