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General Hospital Spoilers Insights
If General Hospital’s Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) is really Helena’s son, Valentin should get to know his mother. However, Valentin could easily decide to kill his mother for everything she has put him through. Helena always portrayed Valentin as a villain, unfortunately, he couldn’t possibly measure up to her. After all, Helena waited years to blow up Valentin’s life. Valentin deserves to confront her at the very least. Perhaps Valentin should be given a chance at revenge on his mother.
Helena Cassadine Could Expose Peter August
Everyone who could expose General Hospital’s Peter August (Wes Ramsey) has disappeared. However, Helena knows exactly what Peter did in Afganistan. Helena could expose Peter in an attempt to clear her name for that matter. Not that Helena (Constance Towers) would volunteer to help anyone unless she was facing exposure as well. Helena has always been a favorite villain and some fans would love to have her back to wreak havoc on Port Charles. If nothing else, Helena could certainly make Peter squirm.
Helena Cassadine Would Certainly Have An Opinion On Nik Cassadine’s Wife
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General Hospital’s Helena would certainly love to have a shot at Ava Jerome (Maura West). After all, Nik supposedly killed Helena by poisoning her tea. No Helena return would be believable if she didn’t attack Nikolas Cassadine’s (Marcus Coloma) choices. Unfortunately, Ava would not stand by and merely listen to Helena’s insults. Ava and Helena standing off in a fight for Nik would be a refreshing change to all the monotony of Ava and Nik’s fighting. Helena’s presents could force them to stop playing around and truly concentrate on their feelings.
Cast Cuts Are A Concern
With the recent rumors of cast cuts, would GH executives revive Helena? If Helena returned could she escape kidnapping charges for stealing Jake Webber (Hudson West) years ago? There is also the matter of Jason Morgan’s (Steve Burton) kidnapping of Drew Cain’s (Billy Miller), will Helena ever pay for her actions? Should Helena stay dead instead?
General Hospital fans sometimes have issues with people who return from the dead. However, could Helena’s return be dramatic enough to warrant another back from the dead story? Would fans rather see Helena in the flesh or is Sam’s gaslighting enough to take Peter down without Helena’s return?
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I do not want Helena to be alive. I think that it is best that she stay dead. Valentin and Nikolas do not need to have to deal with her. Peter needs to be cleared of this situation with Helena in some fashion.
Please keep Helena dead there no need to bring back the dead especially if they get rid of Julian and lulu let people have some damn happiness on the show without danger and Ryan chamberlain be dead also get rid of him I can’t him either
I still would like to know who Valentin's father is/was? I think it would be very interesting if Helena had an affair with Edward Quartermain and Valentin is the rightful heir to ELQ! The Q's family need's a shakeup. Unfortunately that would mean Brooklyn slept with her Great Uncle.