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General Hospital spoilers tease that District Attorney Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) will clash with Peter August (Wes Ramsey) in an upcoming episode of General Hospital!
General Hospital Spoilers – Robert Scorpio Doesn’t Trust Peter August As Far As He Could Throw Him
Robert Scorpio doesn’t trust Peter August as far as he could throw him, which wouldn’t be very far, since Peter is pretty big guy; bigger than Robert, actually! He refuses to call him “Peter” and continues to call him “Heinrik Faison”.
All he sees in Peter is his father, who he hates even more than he possibly ever thought he could after finding out that his first wife, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) may be his mother, and that he likely was conceived during a time when Robert and Anna were first involved with one another romantically! He has no hatred towards Anna, but he sure does toward the man that may be her son!
GH Spoilers – With Anna Devane’s Return To Port Charles, There May Be Some Answers
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When Anna left on her mission several months ago, it was not a cut and dried WSB mission, it was more of a personal mission to try to find her twin sister Alexandra Devane Marick (Finola Hughes) and to try and sort out amongst themselves whose son Peter really was, since both women suspect they may have one another’s memories.
When Alex was in Port Charles the last time, Anna had discovered that a memory she had of accidentally killing a wrong person in a WSB sting when her gun went off really was something that had happened to Alex. Anna had tormented herself for several months worrying whether Robin Scorpio-Drake (Kimberly McCullough) was really her daughter until she found some proof in some old mementoes she had stored away. When she returns, she may know that Peter is not her son but her nephew, but she may even choose to keep it to herself because she and Peter have begun to bond as mother and son, and Peter and Robin have begun to think of each other as brother and sister.
General Hospital Spoilers – Robert Scorpio Will Probably Be Snarky With Peter August
Nothing gets on Peter’s last nerve more than being called “Heinrik”, and especially now when he has done some pretty Heinrik-like things recently, under duress! He has had some recent relief from worry of his being found out since Shiloh Archer, (Coby Ryan McLaughlin), who blackmailed him to do these things is dead and even the henchman Peter himself hired, Bryce Henderson (Brian Gross) is dead, thanks to Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom)!
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He still worries however that his connection to Drew Cain’s (Billy Miller) abduction from Afghanistan years ago and his presumed death more recently thanks to a sabotaged plane, and the attack on Andre Maddox (Anthony Montgomery) could still be tied to him, especially since Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth) is still walking around with pre-2012 Drew’s memories! All it would take for a clash with Scorpio would be one “Heinrik” out of the Australian’s snarky mouth to set Peter off!
Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
I am hoping that Peter and Robert will just have a disagreement. They do not get along at all. I do not want Peter to do anything to Robert because he would lose Anna, Robin, and Maxie. I just want Peter to be put back on better path because it does not work for him and Robert to be so hostile to each other. It worked for Robert and Faison to be hostile because they both wanted Anna. It was like a love triangle that was one sided with Faison wanting Anna but her not wanting him while she loved Robert. Peter is Anna’s family. He is either her son or her nephew and that makes this different. I have wished that Peter was somehow Anna’s son with someone else. Robert has been one of my choices because Robert and Peter have been so hostile to each other. It would be interesting to see them come together as father and son. It might be interesting to see how Robert would react to finding out that his son was raised by Faison. Then it would be interesting to see what Robert and Anna would do to help Peter out of the senseless mess he is in. I have also thought it would be interesting if Peter was an WSB agent. I would at least make some sense out why Peter has been doing all these shady things if he was an agent. It would also be a shock to Robert to find out that Peter and he were both WSB agents. I just hope this mess with Peter will start to get better at some point. I have not liked what they have done with Peter and want things for Peter to work out with Anna, Maxie, and Robin.
I love any ideas that will have more of Robert on my T.V.