General Hospital Spoilers & Rumors: Spiraling Alexis Cheats On Neil – Julexis Fireworks Fly

General Hospital: Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn)General Hospital spoilers rumors tease that the roof is about to blow off Charlie’s when Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) lands a job there and can’t resist her boss’s charms! Alexis is desperate for cash now that she’s been disbarred and she has no pride where work is concerned.

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Alexis’ lying has landed her in hot water, and she has no choice but to take the first job offered even if it is by her ex and nemesis Julian Jerome (William deVry). After all, a buck is a buck. What happens when these two get cozy pulling beers and doling out peanuts?

General Hospital Spoilers – Alexis Davis Is A Hot Mess If There Ever Was One

Alexis’ plight has to do with her lying for her lust object, Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan). These two are now free to be together since each has totally ruined their careers for one another. But as usual, Alexis manages to mess up this slam dunk!

It all happened when Alexis was Neil’s patient on General Hospital. They were attracted to each other but the law says no touchy-feely until two years after a therapeutic relationship is over.

Of course, they couldn’t wait that long and someone saw, someone opened their big mouth about it and both were called upon, to tell the truth—they lied!

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GH Spoilers – Dr. Neil Bryne Is Now No Longer A Licensed Therapist

As a result of their lie being found out, Neil was kicked out of the medical profession. Next, Alexis was kicked out of the legal profession.  Now that they are free and clear to have hot monkey sex any time they want, will they?

It makes sense that these two will at least explore a relationship now that they have nothing to lose. Except that Julian has everything to gain, and that could devastate Neil and Alexis’ budding romance.

ABC General Hospital Spoilers – Julian Jerome Never Got Over Alexis Davis

Explosive speculation reveals that once Alexis starts working at Charlie’s her bond with Neil will be tested.

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When Alexis and Julian can’t resist temptation, what happens to Neil? Nothing, at first—they keep him in the dark and lie to him like he lied to the medical board—is this some kind of karmic payback?

But when the truth eventually comes out like it always does, will Neil blow a gasket and do something he’ll regret? Be sure to tune in and find out!

Alexis DavisGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerJulian Jerome
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  • Guest

    Yes, and I think that Neil will go to the dark side.

  • Guest

    Yes they will and Nelle will be shock her father husband is with his ex wife who he loves.