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General Hospital Spoilers – No Love Lost Between Robert Scorpio and Peter August
GH viewers know that there’s not much love lost between Scorpio and Peter. However, their conversation definitely gave Peter even more reason to dislike the WSB spy even more than he perhaps already does. It also gave Peter the cause to put up his guard.
Now Peter knows that Scorpio suspects him of framing Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) for the murder of Drew Cain (Billy Miller) and of sending the assassin after Andre Maddox (Anthony Montgomery) and Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth).
Of course, GH fans know that Peter is a slippery little monkey, and he quickly tried to distance himself from Scorpio’s accusations. Not long into Scorpio and Peter’s tense conversation, they were interrupted and Peter made noises about needing to get to work, and then beat a hasty retreat.
General Hospital Spoilers – Confronting Peter August: Cause and Effect
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Now, GH fans may be wondering why Scorpio would choose to confront Peter in the first place. What does Scorpio stand to gain by doing so? Could Scorpio be hoping that he might catch Peter in a lie? That seems unlikely considering how slick Peter has been up to this point. After all, Scorpio himself admitted in a conversation with Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) that all the evidence pointed to Obrecht. (Of course, Scorpio also said that because everything ticked “all the boxes” it looked like the perfect frame-up.)
What then, could Scorpio want? Why antagonize Peter now? Why not wait until there is solid evidence against Peter? Well, it’s possible that Scorpio wanted to see for himself how Peter responded to his accusations. Many times those in law enforcement, or those who want to catch others in a lie, will ask a direct question such as “Did you kill so and so?” If the person is innocent, they will usually respond with a simple “No.”
A guilty person, on the other hand, may say no but then continue on with many and sundry sentences meant to give the “no” logical support. Maybe Scorpio wanted to watch Peter’s eyes when he responded. Heck, Scorpio could have been looking at the entirety of Peter’s body language!
General Hospital Spoilers – Taking Peter August Down
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Whatever the reason, it’s clear that Scorpio now has a bone to pick with Peter. After visiting Liesl Obrecht in her cell and surprising her by actually being fair-minded, GH viewers can expect that the two will team up to expose the lies Peter August has been weaving now for months. As Scorpio told Obrecht at the time, “Innocence is hardly a word I’d apply to you, but maybe on this particular occasion you’re not guilty.”
Fans of Scorpio and Obrecht may just find themselves rejoicing. These two GH characters are not only devious in their own ways but are also a match for Peter August’s machinations. This could especially be true as Scorpio and Obrecht put their combined intellects to work against Peter’s many deceits.
I am sure that Robert will try to take Peter down. He has disliked him from the beginning. He has never given him a chance because all that he has seen of him is Faison. Peter was in trouble from Shiloh and Robert threatened to take put Peter in jail just for talking to him. I want Peter and Robert to make peace. They need to because just about everyone in Robert’s family now cares about Peter. Robin, Patrick, Noah, and Emma have accepted him. Emma has even met him. Maxie loves him and Mac and Felicia want Maxie to be happy. I want them to put Peter on a better path again. I want want this whole mess to to be make right.
Robert dislikes Peter for good reasons. He’s merely Faison with a better haircut. Until he’s exposed and taken down, he’s a threat to Robert’s family.