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General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that it’s quite possible that Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) and Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) may team up soon. If they do, their takedown of Peter August (Wes Ramsey) could be an awesome thing to behold!
GH fans know that in recent episodes, Dr. Obrecht has found herself in a situation in which absolutely no one seems to believe her. The narrative Obrecht tells is simply too outrageous. Peter has framed her, she declares (constantly), but her cries of innocence seem to be falling on deaf ears. Viewers may not really blame Liesl’s erstwhile friends and family for their unbelief. After all, the evil Doctor Obrecht actually is guilty of many other crimes.
General Hospital Spoilers: Scorpio And Obrecht Set To Have The Last Laugh
Scorpio admitted as much when he visited her jail cell not long ago. However, unlike the others, Scorpio’s suspicious of the evidence presented to the World Security Bureau (WSB) by Anna Devane (Finola Hughes). Due to those suspicions, Scorpio may be willing to give Obrecht the benefit of the doubt where others have simply written her off. In fact, one of the most interesting things Scorpio said to Obrecht was, “Innocence is hardly a word I’d apply to you, but maybe on this particular occasion you’re not guilty.”
Surely, this must bring a bit of hope back into Obrecht’s otherwise dark existence. Like a ray of sunshine, the prospect of Scorpio’s aid in shedding light onto Peter’s dealings could illuminate the fact of Obrecht’s innocence!
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Some GH fans may be asking themselves why Scorpio would choose to help Obrecht. Innocent of the crimes Peter has framed her for or not, Obrecht has an amazingly wicked past. Scorpio, of course, knows this. Obrecht hasn’t really paid the piper for past sins, so why work to save her from trumped up charges now?
Part of the answer could be that Scorpio’s had it with Anna’s willful blindness regarding Peter. Maybe it pains him to see his former wife taken in so utterly by a fraud. Maybe Scorpio’s watching Anna and thinking to himself that he can’t decide if Anna just can’t admit to herself that Peter is guilty or if she’s really become as feeble-minded as she seems.
Either way, maybe Scorpio’s helping Obrecht because he feels it will ultimately help Anna. Their job won’t be easy, however. GH viewers will recall that the evidence Anna has against Obrecht seems to be airtight. Peter’s work in framing Obrecht was so perfect that Scorpio conceded to Anna that it “checked all the boxes.” It doesn’t appear that Peter’s cunning has left any room for Obrecht to maneuver.
GH Spoilers: What’s Next?
Still, GH viewers will probably agree that if there is anyone who could help Obrecht at this point, Robert Scorpio is that individual. His own past experience at the WSB is sure to be an asset in any investigation he chooses to undertake on Obrecht’s behalf.
If Obrecht is able to fill in the details and complete the narrative, her own resources coupled with Scorpios just might be enough to crack the seemingly impenetrable shell surrounding Peter’s lies. And, won’t it be interesting to see Peter’s shock when that happens?
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GET RID OF PETER AND VALENTIN, Take Nelle, as well. They stink!
I am hoping that at some point this situation with Peter will get better. I have not liked what they have done with this whole mess. Peter was in trouble after he went to see Shiloh. Robert threatened to have him put in jail just for talking to Shiloh. Robert has only seen Peter as if he was Faison. Peter has done some shady things but he is not Faison. Robert may take Peter down but in doing so is going to cause great pain to his entire family. Anna loves Peter and has been trying to do what she can to protect him. Robin, Patrick, Noah, and Emma have all accepted Peter into their lives. Emma and Peter just met and Robin said that she would only let that happen if Peter was alright. Mac and Felicia will suffer too because they will see Maxie in pain over this situation. I just hope that Robert will at least be understanding toward his family over this. I hope for the same with Liesl. Peter did not send her to jail for kidnapping, torturing, and nearly killing him for Maxie and James. He has made a mistake in this situation and that is going to be a problem with Maxie. However Maxie may be a bit understanding in this situation because of what Liesl did to Peter. I want Liesl to be alright. I want this whole mess fixed because it is has been dark and sad from the beginning. I want Peter to get on a better path for the one that he cares about in the end.
I think,RavenJackal is a flake. Lisel is working on turning her life around also. She do not deserve to be in prison for something she did not do. Peter is a psychopath and he do not care about other people. He will only do what is best for himself. He do not know what love is or how to love. He needs to go down.