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General Hospital Spoilers And Rumors – Sonny And Carly Will Be There
General Hospital viewers know that Sonny and Carly Corinthos (Maurice Benard, Laura Wright) will be at the parole hearing. Michael will be giving a victim impact statement, and Willow may be too – Carly will likely tell what the impact was on Lucas Jones (Matt Trudeau) unless he communicated to the parole board with a letter. Sonny will be there but Michael will have a shock when he isn’t as hardline against Brad as Michael thinks he should be, but that’s because Ms. Wu (Lydia Look) approached him prior to the hearing and requested a non-retaliation agreement where Brad was concerned.
She had revealed that she was his aunt also, and even though retaliation would generally be considered mob retaliation, Sonny doesn’t want to appear to be retaliating in any manner. But Nina at the parole hearing – she has no business being there and there is nothing that she can legally say one way or the other. General Hospital viewers would be as shocked as the Corinthos family and Willow to see Nina show up – even Brad would be shocked!
General Hospital Spoilers And Rumors – Britt Is Brad’s Friend And Nina’s Cousin
General Hospital viewers know that Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud) has always been Brad’s friend. She also is Nina’s cousin. Britt will probably be on Brad’s side and possibly attend the parole hearing or at least write a letter in his favor. But the only reason Nina would be there would be for Wiley Corinthos’ (Kyler and Caleb Ends) sake – and because his birth mother, Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) is no longer around to have a say. Longtime General Hospital viewers will recall that Brad is in prison because of the fraud he committed by agreeing to switch his and Lucas’ adoptive dead baby who was Willow’s baby with Nelle, who had just given birth to Michael’s baby.
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That went on for nearly two years before the truth came out, and it would be like Nina to stand up for Nelle even though all that time she didn’t know she was her daughter. Nina would want someone to speak up for Nelle as to why the switch happened and that Brad deserves parole. Britt was approached by a member of the Wu family at General Hospital, and worried about always feeling guilty – perhaps the guilt was about standing by Brad. Britt was gone on the run with her father during most of the time all this took place, however.
GH Spoilers And Rumors – Nothing Would Be More Shocking Than To See Nina At The Hearing
General Hospital viewers know that nothing would be more shocking than to see Nina at the hearing! Nina could speak to Brad having taken excellent care of Wiley during the time that he and Lucas had him and that the tot has no ill effects – indeed, he was way too young to be affected by the custody being changed. General Hospital viewers also know that if Nina was not asked to attend the parole hearing for some reason, Sonny and Carly would see to it that she would be escorted out quickly before she could say anything!
But they won’t be able to do so before Michael and Willow see her – and how soon has Nina forgotten that Brad tried to kill her Aunt Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati)! That may be another reason that Nina could be there – to speak against his release! Viewers will recall that he pushed Liesl off the deck of The Haunted Star in an effort to keep her quiet about what she knew about Nelle’s baby having been alive, because she had delivered him out in the woods! But with Nina’s own hearing coming up, it probably would be better if she stayed away and out of this one!
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Stay tuned to General Hospital, and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates, and developments!