General Hospital Spoilers: Should Andrea Bogart Return To GH As New Love For Michael?

General Hospital: Sabrina Santiago (Teresa Castillo), Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell)General Hospital’s Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) has been unlucky in love for years. Michael’s girlfriends either die or leave town unless they cheat on him with someone else. Is it time for someone new?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Sabrina Santiago Cheated With Carlos

General Hospital’s Michael was with Sabrina Santiago (Teresa Castillo) and she slept with Carlos Rivera (Jeffrey Vincent Parise) and passed his child off as Michael’s for months before Monica Quartermaine (Leslie Charleston) discovered the truth. Michael eventually had to turn the baby over to his uncle after Sabrina was killed. It took Michael a long time to get over Sabrina’s betrayal as well.

GH Spoilers – Kiki Jerome Loved Both Brothers

General Hospital’s Kiki Jerome (Hayley Erin) was attracted to Michael until she thought she was his cousin. Kiki then married Morgan Corinthos (Bryan Craig) but still cared for Michael. Kiki and Morgan split up and she got with Michael. Kiki waivered back and forth between the two brothers for months. Afterward, she moved on to Michael’s cousin Dillon Quartermaine (Robert Palmer Watkins). Kiki was not the right person for either brother. In the end, Kiki was murdered while in a relationship with Griffin Monroe (Matt Cohen).

General Hospital Spoilers – Starr Manning

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General Hospital writers paired Michael with Starr Manning (Kristen Alderson) and they were a good match for a while as well. However, due to lawsuit issues, Starr had to go away and moved out of town. Kristen quickly took on the role of Kiki before leaving the show and being replaced by Hayley Erin.

GH Spoilers – Nelle Benson

General Hospital’s Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) has been a nightmare from hell. Nelle targeted Michael to get even with Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright). Nelle was determined to get even with Carly for things that Carly had nothing to do with. Nelle got Carly sent to Ferncliff. Carly almost had electroshock therapy because of Nelle. Nell has sabotaged every relationship Michael has tried to have since her. Nelle even gave Michael’s baby away and let him believe he was dead for two years. Nelle is certainly no one that Michael should be tied to or anyone else for that matter.

General Hospital Spoilers – Abby Haver

General Hospital’s Abby Haver (Andrea Bogart) has been by far the best pairing Michael has ever had on GH. Abby met Michael shortly after he got out of prison. Abby understood Michael. Abby supported Michael. Abby made Michael better as a person. It was a huge mistake to kill Abby off of GH when she and Michael were such a good match. However, Michael and Andrea have amazing chemistry and he needs to be paired with her again.

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Instead of bringing Abby back from the dead, should Andrea come back to GH as a new love interest for Michael? The chemistry between them was amazing before. Could Chad and Andrea recreate that chemistry as a new couple? Michael deserves a woman that loves him for himself. GH should bring back Andrea as someone new and pair her with Chad again. Give Michael a woman who loves him for himself.

Abby HaverGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerMichael Corinthos
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  • Guest

    Hell yes!!! She was Michael’s best girlfriend!! Abby forever!!

  • Guest

    I do! Thought they were a good match! Then they killed her off!! Michael needs a break!

  • Guest

    I like Sasha

  • GHRocks

    I think Michael has his Happily Ever now right now. I think a lot of time and effort was in to building the great foundation and having the actress that plays Willow work hard. She had to do Chase and Michael scenes. I think she can match him and a lot of fans love her and them together. She also keeps him grounded as well. Too many changes and too many directions..

  • GHRocks

    I would lover for GH to be #1 They have an awesome Vet’s and Young Talent just continue to bring them too life..and tap into the world right now..and build some momentum but all of the back and the day fans they still exist and the younger fans, so they need some true love on there, lots of drama, and with all of the actors and actresses on GH, You can take off and Brenda and Dante coming, and hopefully Drew is back..Let’s Goo!!! Keep Michael and Willow together and some more Grandma and Great Grandma scenes.

  • Guest

    Nancy Lee Grahn should be terminated after learning how racist she is. ABC fires Roseann, well they need to fire NLG too. 2015 VIOLA DAVIS EMMY SPEECH. Hollywood reporter. Look it up. You lost more fans. GH will be cancelled.

  • Guest

    Gh.i remember Andrea on she be a new love for Michael

  • Guest

    Yes I do wish she should come back to GH for Michael