General Hospital Spoilers: Shouldn’t Willow Have a Drug Problem and Not Sasha?

general hospital willow tait, katelyn macmullenGeneral Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that if anyone ought to have a cocaine problem, it ought to be Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) and not Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson). That’s because GH fans know that Willow has already been exposed to hard drugs, has had emotionally and mentally scarring traumas afflict her life, and hasn’t been the most stable of individuals!

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General Hospital Spoilers – Willow’s Trials & Tribulations

While some GH viewers think things are just hunky dory and that Willow is right where she needs to be in her new marriage to the oh-so-boring Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell), others know that Willow really ought to be the GH character all cracked out. Doesn’t anyone recall that Willow was used and abused by her mom’s disgusting boyfriend, Hank “Shiloh” Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin)?

Doesn’t anyone remember that Lorraine “Harmony” Miller (Inga Cadranel) drugged Willow as part of a weird sex-cult ritual and then got her own boyfriend to sleep with her daughter? That would emotionally scar most people, and viewers know that it absolutely damaged Willow since she ended up pregnant with her mom’s boyfriend’s child!

Then, following all of that, Willow’s been on the roughest emotional roller coaster one can imagine. For example, Willow went from believing that she had given up her son for adoption only to find out that her real son died. Then, Willow was put through an emotionally destructive deception by her new boyfriend, Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) wherein she (still) believes he was cheating on her behind her back!

If anyone is emotionally weak enough that they need an escape from reality … isn’t it Willow?

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General Hospital Updates – Sasha Rules While Willow Drools

In stark contrast, GH fans know that Sasha has been up and coming ever since she came to Port Charles. Sure, Sasha allowed Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) to pay her to commit a form of fraud … but acting in a criminal, manipulative manner isn’t the same as allowing one’s self to become an emotional and sexual punching bag, ala Willow Tait.

Sasha’s been seen all over Port Charles in the company of Michael Corinthos, brimming with self-confidence and poise. When it became clear that Michael’s problems required him to get married, Sasha wasn’t cool with sticking around. Not only did Sasha have no desire to become a mom (at least, not right then), she also wasn’t so interested in getting married. Sasha’s life plans have been decidedly career oriented from the beginning.

For example, Sasha’s become a shareholder in Deception and is now “The Face” of Deception as well. All in all, Sasha is the image of a woman on the brink of some massive success!

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General Hospital Spoilers – Sasha Gets Help

If the truth is told, it’s hard to see where the story with Sasha is headed. It doesn’t seem either normal or in character for her to suddenly be so morose over her breakup with Michael that she becomes a coke head. It doesn’t seem in Sasha nature to be the type of woman that needs “something” to get her through a photo shoot. Many GH viewers agree that something just isn’t adding up in that whole drama.

Many believe, therefore that Sasha will quickly realize that she made a mistake when it comes to her drug use and will move quickly to rectify the situation. Viewers may indeed see Sasha choose to check herself into rehab. What’s clear is that many feel it just isn’t fair for an apparently strong female character like Sasha to have a sudden emotional breakdown over a man (especially a spineless man like Michael).

The bottom line is that it isn’t fair that a woman like Sasha, who is on the brink of massive success, should be made out to be as weak and feeble minded as someone like Willow.

General HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerSasha GilmoreWillow Tait
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  • Matt Crider

    That would completely ruin the whole point of Willow’s character. She’s meant to be the innocent. Just because she was drugged once doesn’t mean she should now be an addict.