General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer Is Shocked To Find Out How Far His Uncle Victor Is Willing To Go — Is He With Him?

General Hospital spoilers reveal Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez) will be stunned to learn just what kind of man his uncle, Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy), really is. For years, he’s sensed the tension between his father, Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss), and his Uncle Victor, but he never understood and assumed it was more so his father’s fault. Victor always seemed inclined to help. Likewise, Spencer’s grandmother, Laura Collins (Genie Francis) has never been a big fan of Victor’s either, but she’s never warned Spencer about affiliating with him — until now. Is it warranted? Spencer is starting to think so.

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General Hospital Spoilers — Spencer Cassadine Is Relying On His Uncle To Get The Job Done

Spencer wants custody of his baby brother, Ace Cassadine (Jay and Joey Clay). It’s that simple. He is impatient, like most Cassadine men who have been given everything they ever wanted in life. Now, Spencer is finding that his name isn’t getting him very far as he watches Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) further entrench herself into his life with each passing day. He has no sympathy for her as a mother and doesn’t think she should have a role in Ace’s life. His grandmother, however, disagrees.

General Hospital: Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez)

GH Spoilers – Hint Laura Collins Is Growing More Concerned

Leave it to Laura to play the role of the peacemaker. She’s always encouraging Spencer to take the high road and be more patient. If whatever he wants is worth having, why shouldn’t he be willing to wait for it? That’s easier said than done in Spencer’s world where a little clout and intimidation can usually get him what he wants much faster. It certainly seems like this guy never learns his lesson. When Laura warns him not to be so impulsive and demanding about his desire for custody of Ace that he gets wrapped up in something risky with his Uncle Victor, will Spencer heed her well-intentioned warning?

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General Hospital Spoilers — Esme Price’s Days Are Numbered

As Victor and Spencer start to conspire about what to do to cut Esme out of Ace’s life, it’s going to become abundantly clear to Spencer that his uncle doesn’t intend on playing nice. Victor is a businessman and he doesn’t have time for nonsense. If Spencer really wants the problem eliminated, he just has to have the nerve to say so. Of course, Victor has his own agenda; he’s testing Spencer to see just how malleable he is. Can Victor turn Spencer into the partner in crime he wishes his own son, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart), was? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to see just how much Spencer might warm to Victor’s motives.

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