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Spencer Deserves Better
General Hospital’s Spencer has fought with Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) for the past three years. Three years that Nik could have been fighting his own battle instead of leaving it up to his young son. Spencer has had no chance to be a child because he has been trying to take back his inheritance, something he blames Ava Jerome (Maura West) or losing.
Spencer has bullied his young cousin Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) as well as tried to take on Valentin’s face to face. Spencer has left school without permission, tampered with an election and other unspeakable things for a child his age, all because of losing his father. Nik’s absence is to blame for everything Spencer has done since his disappearance. Everything Spencer had done since Nik’s disappearance has been to make Valentin pay for Nik’s death. A death that never occurred and Nik has lied about for three years.
Can Spencer Forgive Nik?
General Hospital’s Spencer has every fight to be furious with his father after years of deception. Nik has been totally unfair and even uncaring to his only child. Spencer has every right to be upset with his father. Spencer has a right to any feelings of ill will toward his father that he has. Nik should have considered his son’s feelings when he chose to stay gone for this amount of time. Nik should have considered how staying gone for three years and suddenly reappearing would affect his son.
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Nik should have thought about someone other than himself. Nik has been extremely selfish since before he faked his death the first time. However, Nik at least let his son in on the plan then. There is no excuse for Nik’s disregard for his son’s feelings now. Spencer deserves much more than this from his father. Spencer would be well within his rights to disown his father and want nothing to do with him. Nik deserves a taste of his own medicine. Spencer deserves someone who actually cares about him and not someone who will let him grieve for no reason.
Stay tuned to the ABC soap and don’t forget to check Celebrating The Soaps often for the latest General Hospital spoilers, updates, and news.
I agree with all this it’s time for Nikolas pay Valentin is pay now it’s his turn Nikolas use such a good guy for look of it he more evil than Valentin break his own mother heart and lulu I don’t think they ever forgive him unless he change his ways but I doubt that will happen we will have to wait and wait kids comes first no more what
Yes. He should. After all that is his father.
Team Spencer, he loves his Dad and eventually he’s going to forgive him. Now I hope the two of them going to get rid of Eva and her blackmailing. Nicholas and Eva been married is the craziest storyline so far.
Sorry, but you need to rewrite your post. It doesn’t make any sense, we don’t know what you trying to say????????
Spencer should stay furious with Nikolas. But hey, nobody stays angry forever. That flame will burn and consume him until there’s nothing left. Maybe after Nikolas suffers for all eternity for all his wrongdoings and Spencer goes through many new hardships in his own life, he might then forgive Nik.