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General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Spencer Cassadine’s (Nicholas Chavez) eyes will be opened to his deceptive girlfriend Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) and he and Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) will team up to take her down in future episodes of General Hospital!
General Hospital Spoilers And Rumors – Esme Prince Is Deceptive And Quite Possibly Evil
General Hospital viewers will recall that when Esme first showed up, it was when Spencer and Trina were at Wyndemere Castle at his “rager” after Spencer, previously known to Trina as “Victor” told her the truth about his real name. General Hospital viewers will also recall he was pretty much forced into it, when he and Trina were talking at the pool on the roof of The Metro Court and Cameron Webber (William Lipton) and Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) showed up.
This time he was caught red faced, so to speak and Trina found out he wasn’t “Victor”. He explained about not wanting his father to know he was in town yet and they had a talk and she understood. She was upset again when Esme showed up all clingy when she had thought Spencer was into her. General Hospital viewers suspect that he secretly is, but Esme obviously keeps a short leash on her boyfriend! She is also deceptive and quite possibly evil!
GH Spoilers And Rumors – Esme Prince Acts On Her Own And Deceives Even Spencer Cassadine
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General Hospital viewers and quite possibly Trina, Cameron, and Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) can see that Esme acts on her own, and deceives even Spencer! General Hospital viewers will recall a few examples; Esme didn’t tell him she was coming to Port Charles. It is unknown if she knew where Wyndemere Castle is, although she could have gotten the information from one of the other school friends that Spencer had invited.
There was no indication that she had been invited! She acted on her own when she set Ava Jerome Cassadine’s (Maura West) car on fire outside the Jerome Gallery, as a cover for Spencer, who his father suspected was Ava’s stalker. Esme again acted on her own when she sought out Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) at General Hospital and lied to him about Ava and Nikolas fleeing the country and taking Avery Corinthos-Jerome (Ava and Grace Scarola) with them! Most dangerous of all, when she and Spencer visited Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) in Spring Ridge, she excused herself to go to the restroom and instead went to talk to Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom)!
General Hospital Spoilers And Rumors – Trina Robinson And Spencer Cassadine Set A Trap
General Hospital viewers will recall that Ava herself caught Esme at Spring Ridge when she had gone to say goodbye to Alexis and also to Ryan, on her way to England where she was fleeing her stalker! She warned Esme about Chamberlain, after Esme was caught in a lie – well, repeating one. The story about Ava and Nikolas fleeing to Bora Bora had been part of the trap that Josslyn, Trina and Cameron had set up to get Spencer to confess, but Esme added Avery into the mix when she saw Sonny. Ava then made a trip to Wyndemere Castle where she walked in on Spencer’s confession!
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Trina got a photo sent to her phone from Joss, showing Esme talking to Sonny at General Hospital. Spencer and Trina, along with Joss and Cam, realize Esme is much more dangerous than she appears, but it will be Spencer and Trina who will take her down! Ava more than likely has already told Nikolas, Spencer and Trina about seeing Esme visiting Ryan in Spring Ridge; it will be difficult for Esme to avoid Alexis seeing her as well. General Hospital viewers won’t be surprised if Spencer asks for his uncle Sonny’s help as well, and together they will take care of the problem named Esme!
Stay tuned to General Hospital, and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
I sure hope Esme is taken down and not left to create evil like Peter or Nelle. We’ve had quite enough of these kinds of people for a long while.
I Am A True Fan Of GH, &
Will Be Very Happy When
SPENCER & His Friends &
Little Miss ESME PRINCE Off
Her Self Appointed Pedistal,
She Is Nothing But Annoying
And Dangerous & Possibly
Delusional And Psychotic,
& She Needs To Take A
Hard Fall Off Her High
Horse, & Let AVA Do
The Pushing Of ESME Off
The PERIPIT, She Certainly
Deserves A Hard Fall
From Grace.
Why is there a very old episode of General Hospital on today Wed. Oct 6? I am in Ky. Anyone else have this problem?
Now Thats a show i wanna see
Yep here in Pittsburg Kansas too! I am so dissapointed!
Yes I live in Fla.
Same here in Connecticut
Same here in Chicago…..what happened ABC?
Why was General Hospital a rerun on Wednesday?
There was a school shooting in Texas & I think the News was going to interrupt programming, but it was a black youth doing the shooting & it was over well before the soap. Just didn't fit the narrative, but they'd already cxld the soap.
School shooting in Texas. News was thinking they'd be giving us the liberal narrative, but it was a black youth doing the shooting & it was over rather fast. They'd already cancelled the soap before they got the facts. Stuck us with a rerun because they didn't want to go live with the story.
Such a sad story when people think this way
The there is one fact in this story that is wrong. It was not the Jerome Gallery where Esme started Ava’s car on fire. It was the hospital parking garage. She was at the hospital to say goodbye to her therapist Kevin. Remember???
Doesn’t relate but I’ve had enough of this Peter August crap, not looking forward to another twist of evil with Esme character.
Get rid of Esme and Peter, don’t like Esme storyline and tired of Peter getting away!!!
Get rid of ramen she’s evil and not a good person
I love ❤️ Spencer and Trina can’t wait for him to open up his eyes and admit his feeling Esme need a room with Ryan
I hope Jason is still alive and working behind the scene to help his loved one, still a lot of danger to people in Port Charles.
Right I remember and people weren't paying attention they think little Liam just died don't you remember when Trina was at the art gallery and Esme followed her to the back and put the door stopper under the door thinking Trina was in there trying to lock in there so she can't get out but Sasha and Gladys was in Sasha started having pains that really hurted bad then her water broke that's when her baby wasn't getting oxygen to his brain and died Esme is the real reason Sasha and Brando baby died it wasn't Brooklyn it was Esme
Right because Esme is definitely going to try and kill Trina why you think she so insistent on going to Sonny's cabin it's not for Spencer it's for Trina and maybe even Josslyn this girl is diabolical Trina poses a threat Spencer has feelings for her