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General Hospital Spoilers – Danny Morgan Wants A Normal Life
General Hospital’s Danny was upset to realize that his father had been called away yet again from a family function. Jason had promised to pay the winner of a board game but duty called. Danny was, of course, disappointed and Sam encouraged him to open up about his feelings.
Danny admits to enjoying having his father home but wishes for a normal family. Danny can’t have friends over because their parents won’t allow it. Danny admits that his friend’s parents are indeed afraid of Jason. Let’s be honest, everyone in Port Charles knows who Jason is and what he does for a living. After talking to Danny, Sam tells Jason not to come back home. This is, of course, a shocking blow to Jason who hasn’t been home for very long. Furthermore, Jason is doing nothing but trying to keep his family safe after Sam’s father tried to kill him. Is Sam being fair to Jason? Should Sam have thought things through before disrupting everyone’s life again?
GH Spoilers – A Lot Of Risk For What?
It hasn’t been that long since General Hospital’s Sam was risking her freedom to be with Jason. However, it seems that now that Sam isn’t at risk of violating her parole, not to mention helping Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) get control of the family company, Sam has had a change of heart. The unfortunate truth for Jasam fans is that the writers have jerked them around since Steve Burton’s return to the show.
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True fans of the couple held strong hoping that Sam and Jason would pick up where they left off when Steve left in 2012. However, Jasam fans have not gotten the payoff they have waited for leaving many disgruntled. After all, Sam is the one who insisted on having children with Jason. Sam chose to be with Jason and in the mob life long after Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) was shot and put into a coma years before. Is Sam simply in a panic or is this the end? How will General Hospital’s second-largest fan base deal with yet another crushing blow to their couple?
Some Jasam fans continue to hold strong hoping that Jason may step away from the mob to ease Sam’s fears while others believe she knew what she was getting into when they reunited. Where do Jasam and their fans go from here? Is it time to cut their losses or is this just one more roadblock in the line of many? Furthermore, when is this huge fan base going to decide they have had enough? The fact is most fans believe this couple needs to move on or reunite and there is no in-between. Jasam has become a shadow of their former self and something has to change. Is separation the right choice?
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.
AMP in the post
please sam stop crying get a back bone ,,,you knew what jason did for a living now your boo hoing because of it,,, while your at it get that dam frog out of your throat.
The only reason I came back to watch GH was because of this couple. If this is the end or they start pairing them with other love interest like they did in the past (Lucky) I will have to stop watching again!
Please move on already the people in charge should have ended sam,Jason a long time ago come on gh will be fine ending them .through the years gh has ended couples like luke,laura and so many others and gh is still on years later what does that tell y'all come on
What the writers are doing. There can't write a beautiful love stories why in this time of the covi 19 you write about drugs. That is bad sonny try so many years to keep is town clean. So please start write good stuff. You have good actor and actress "
Sonny father lost his memory and now you want sonny. Loose his memory to .you see what he went through.
GH haven't had good writers since Guz left and FV was hired as EP. GH is a crap soap and the ratings proves it. Now they have broke up a couple with a Hugh fan base, and they will never get most of the JaSam fans back. After the BS they have pulled this time. I rather watch animal shows than too watch this crap they are writing now. If GH think breaking up JaSam won't knock the hell out of their ratings. Then need too check out some GH and JaSam groups and hear what the fans are saying.