AMP in the post
General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that in Port Charles, NY Marcus Taggert’s (Real Andrews) faked death has been discovered by Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober). As viewers know, Cyrus kidnapped Taggert’s daughter, Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) along with Cameron Webber (William Lipton) last spring. Cyrus wanted to kill Taggert and the only way to draw him out of hiding was to go after Taggert’s daughter.
General Hospital Hospital Spoilers – Rescued But At A Cost
Eventually, Taggert, along with Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) and Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) rescued the teens but not before Taggert was shot. He was taken to General Hospital and his injuries didn’t seem all that serious, but not long after being admitted, Taggert “died”. But in truth, Epiphany Jones (Sonya Eddy) and Jordan Ashford (Brianna Nicole Henry) helped Taggers fake his death so Cyrus would stop using Trina to get to him.
And it worked for several months. But a cowardly Julian Jerome (William DeVry) wanted to get out of leaving a bomb to kill Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), so he tried to use the information about Taggert in hopes of paying his debt to Cyrus. But selling out Taggert didn’t stop Cyrus from demanding that Julian leave a bomb at the Floating Rib, where Jason would be.
GH Spoilers – Cyrus Renault Still Wants Margus Taggert Dead
Cyrus (Jeff Kober) still wants Taggert dead for helping to fabricate the evidence that got Cyrus imprisoned. Even though Cyrus was guilty of the crimes he was accused of, Taggert and his colleagues just couldn’t find the proof that would be needed, so they fabricated it. Nothing has changed in the months since Taggert faked his death, so it seems more than likely that Cyrus will kidnap Trina once again. Viewers may recall, that even once Taggert arrived the first time to save Trina, that Cyrus’ men had no intention of letting Trina and Cameron live
AMP in the post
General Hospital – If Any Harm Comes To Trina Robinson, Marcus Taggert Will Face Serious Backlash
Taggert could have stayed away, but instead, he decided to lurk around Port Charles, which is how Julian found out he was alive in the first place. Once word gets out that Taggert faked his death, Trina’s mother Portia Robinson (Brooke Kerr), among others, will surely have something to say. While she will likely recognize Taggert’s sacrifices, if he has just stayed away Trina would be sage. And once Trina finds out her dad is actually alive, look for an epic meltdown. Taggert has a lot to answer for, and Trina will likely not forgive him so easily for letting her mourn all this time.
GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?
Will Cyrus kidnap Trina once again? Can Taggert rescue her again or will there be injuries? How will Port Charles, especially Trina and Portia react once they find out Taggert deceived them all this time? Exciting times are coming to Port Charles, so stay tuned to General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information, and spoilers!
AMP in the post
And stop bring the dead back you piece of shit leave them dead you have to bring everybody back so stop it writers stop it leave thing be okay okay is enough we tired of that