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She was upset with Curtis because she thought that he had not tried hard enough to save Taggert. Later she was upset when Commissioner Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) had implicated Taggert for illegally sending Cyrus to jail. Trina did not want to forgive Jordan or Curtis because of her father. However, Taggert had not been killed. Trina and her mother Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) were relieved that Taggert was not dead but they were upset with him for deceiving them. Trina has found a way to forgive Taggert, Curtis, and Jordan.
Gener Hospital Spoilers – Trina Robinson Wants To Support Jordan Ashford And Curtis Ashford
Trina came to see Taggert who is staying with Jordan. Taggert is awaiting trial for falsifying the evidence against Cyrus. He has to stay with Jordan until his trial. Trina saw that there were boxes in Jordan’s apartment. She was worried that Jordan might be moving. However, Jordan told Trina that Curtis is moving out. Trina felt bad for Jordan. Curtis is leaving Jordan because he could not forgive Jordan for lying to him about the fact that Taggert had been alive. Jordan had kept the secret that Taggert was alive from Curtis who blamed himself for Taggert’s death. Trina has been able to move past the anger that she felt for Jordan and Curtis. Trina has started to want the best for them.
GH Spoilers – Trina Robinson Is Not Sure About Curtis Ashford And Portia Robinson
Trina wants her mother to find happiness. Portia and Taggert have been separated for many years. Portia could not handle the lifestyle that Taggert had to live because of his job in law enforcement. Portia had an affair with Curtis when she was married to Taggert. Trina does not know that Portia and Curtis had been in a relationship before. Portia has been spending time with Curtis. They went on a case together to a nightclub. Curtis decided on the case that he wanted to change careers. He had been a private investigator. Portia helped him to decide to buy the nightclub. Curtis has been trying to get the new nightclub that he named the Savoy opened for business. He got Portia to help him to decide on what drinks to serve at his club. Trina went to find her mother at the Savoy. She found her with Curtis. Portia was helping Curtis to remove his wedding ring. Trina is unsure about what she thinks about Portia and Curtis spending time together.
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General Hospital Spoilers – Trina May Try To Come Between Curtis Ashford And Portia Robinson
General Hospital Trina has come to respect Curtis. However, she is not sure if Curtis would be good with Portia. Will Trina try to stop Portia and Curtis from becoming a couple? Trina loves Taggert. Will Trina think that Portia and Curtis are betraying him because they are dating? Trina could see that Jordan did not want to lose Curtis. Will Trina try to help Jordan get Curtis back? Tune into General Hospital to find out what Trina does in regards to Portia and Curtis.
Trina you need to mine your own business your not an adult stay in your lane. Your mother's business with Curtis is not your. What until you grow up. Right enjoy your friends your age. Stay out grown folks business..
I do agree with your assessment of the situation. But, in this case, I don't care who steps in to keep these two from a pairing. Not a fan of Curtis/Jordan either, just feel neither of the two (Jordan/Portia) are good matches for Curtis. If he has to have one of the two, I'd prefer for Jordan to be written differently and the two reunite. Hey, it's just my opinion.