General Hospital Spoilers: Trina’s Schizophrenia Begins, Illness Triggered Ava’s Attack?


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General Hospital: Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali)General Hospital spoilers indicate that Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) has been under tremendous strain for months. Trina has been through a trial that almost got her sent to prison. Trina was terrified by one of Spencer Cassadine’s (Nicholas Chavez) stalker stunts. Trina has been almost kicked out of college and finally reinstated. Now a woman who has been like a second mother to Trina has been stabbed and almost died. How much more can Trina stand?

General Hospital Spoilers – Trina Robinson Has Been On An Emotional Rollercoaster

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Trina has been on an emotional rollercoaster. On top of all of this, fans have learned that Trina is most likely Curtis Ashford’s (Donnell Turner) daughter and not Marcus Taggert’s (Real Andrew).

Curtis’ father, Marshall Ashford (Robert Gossett) has been revealed to have Schizophrenia. Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) has tried to arrange genetic testing for Trina without revealing the truth but that hasn’t happened. Will Trina have her first episode of mental illness before Portia can get testing done?

GH Spoilers – Ava Jerome’s Attack Could Be Too Much

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Trina barely got a reprieve after Oz Haggerty testified at her trial before Ava Jerome (Maura West) was attacked. To make matters even worse, Trina thought she witnessed Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) trying to hurt Ava followed by Ava’s heart rate spiking and scaring her almost senseless. Can Trina stand much more before losing it completely?

If Trina starts exhibiting signs of mental illness it could quickly become apparent that Curtis is her father, not Taggert. Portia would certainly land in the hot seat trying to explain that lie. Curtis asked Portia when she came to Port Charles if Trina was his daughter and she told him no. How will she explain keeping that lie going this long? Portia is engaged to Curtis, she shouldn’t be withholding this information. When will she tell Curtis the truth?

General Hospital Spoilers – It’s Just A Matter Of Time

Portia and Curtis are planning to spend their life together. Portia and Curtis have even mentioned kids at some point. However, Curtis has no idea that they already have one child. There is also no history of mental illness in Taggert or Portia’s family which is a big red flag. Will Curtis realize that Portia has lied to him for decades?

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Curtis does not handle dishonesty very well and Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) has warned Portia of this. Is there any way that Curtis can get past this lie when the truth comes out? Does Portia deserve forgiveness from anyone involved?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • Divanana

    Forgiveness sis important, you trust God because he forgives all. So if they have faith forgiveness will not be difficult.

  • LBC

    Don’t feel Curtis will accept the new very well. Portia should tell Curtis regarding Trina (that is even if she is his daughter – no DNA yet). Trina has been through enough for the time being. Allow her to live her life as a college student before disrupting it again so soon. If DNA testing is done, it may be revealed that Taggert is her true bio father. Curtis has enough on his plate trying not to deal with Selina, which he never should have done in the first place.

    • Just123

      I really, REALLY hope that when all is said and done that Trina IS Taggert’s daughter.

  • LBC

    Forgot something. Is the title of this spoiler implying that Trina may have been the cause of Ava’s attack?? If so, just how low can writers go or did I interpret wrong?? Portia also needs to tell Curtis before it is revealed by some one else.

    • Mb22

      This article made it seem like maybe Trina was the one who “hooked” Ava in an episode.

      I just wish they would let all the teens enjoy college life for now. Let the adults start wrapping up some storylines.

    • Sharon Griffin

      I, too, thought for a minute the article was implying that Trina attacked Ava, but that makes absolutely no sense, so I believe although the title is very easy to misinterpret, it is referring to Trina’s attack of schizophrenia. That makes more sense. Even mentally ill, I can’t see Trina attacking Ava…Esme, maybe, but Ava? No way!

    • Just123

      I agree with you. It would truly be disgusting for these writers to have Trina be the one to have stabbed Ava.
      However, I think that the title of the article was poorly worded. I THINK that they are simply saying that all the stress Trina has been under, and then on top of that Ava is stabbed, that it might have triggered the schizophrenia in her but not necessarily that she is the one who stabbed Ava. If she is Curtis’s daughter she might start having some mental issues that will be related to schizophrenia.
      But like I said earlier, I really hope she ends up being Taggert’s daughter after all!!

    • Mimi

      OMG, LBC your interpretations are usually spot on,I hope this is one that may be off a bit. You’re correct that would be a low blow for the writers. I am discussed by this idea,writers do a better more creative job not a storyline for the sensational effect. Fans have watched over 30, 40 years and will continue to watch with good storylines.

  • Ianthe

    Except there is one problem with your ‘theory’, Trina was with Rory and her mom at the Metro Court, nowhere near the Quartermaine estate. Do you really think they wouldn’t have said anything if she had been gone so long? If your going to project in regards to possible reveals, please use common sense so you don’t look ridiculous.

    • Just123

      I don’t know if it was deliberate, but imo the heading for this article was very poorly worded. My first reaction when I read it was complete disgust at the thought that they were going, to turn Trina into the one who stabbed Ava. But I really don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s like;y that all the stress and then the stabbing was too much and it has awakened the schizophrenia. I’m just hoping that Portia is wrong and that Trina end up being Taggert’s daughter after all!!

  • Lisa

    Another thing… Curtis us still married to Jordan… Doesn’t anyone remember that?? That needs to come out now!! ❤

  • Nanlee

    I agree a DNA needs to be done first and yes go from there..If Curtis is her Father then Porthia needs to tell Curtis and Trina the truth…Also it is a heartfelt feeling for Taggert that Loves Trina dearly…The devastation he will experience,heartbreaking..

    • Sharon Griffin

      I agree! Can’t imagine what it would feel like to raise a child into young adulthood, loving and nurturing her, only to have that bond repudiated in a sense. I know he will continue to love and protect Trina, but it will be very hard to step back and let Curtis assume the primary role as her father. He will be crushed! Trina will too. She will feel as if she is betraying the only father she has known if she lets herself think of Curtis as her father. It will be yet another emotional blow for her!

    • Just123

      I’m hoping that in true soap fashion Portia ends up being wrong and that DNA proves she actually is Taggert’s daughter. Can’t these writers let something good happen for a change…..especially when it comes to Trina and Taggert!!

  • Barbara

    I can’t see a future for Curtis and Portia with this lie between them. Sooner rather than later Curtis and Taggart are going to find out that Portia has been lying about Trina’s parentage for at least 19 years. If I were the men involved I’d be furious. What a terrible thing to do.

  • TellerofTruth

    WAit till the stress also comes out that Trina is not Taggerts but Curtis daughter- how will she handle that–when it also comes out that her parents can’t get married because Stella took the divorce papers.

  • Penny

    Leave Trina alone she has been though enough let taggert be her father. Don’t like where this writers are going with this.