General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Furious When Accused Of Forging MIkkos’ Will

General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Furious When Accused Of Forging MIkkos' WillGeneral Hospital spoilers tease that Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) is being converged upon from all sides with the truth about Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattson) ready to be exposed, and Laura Collins, (Genie Francis) Curtis Ashford, (Donnell Turner) Jasper Jacks (Ingo Rademacher) and Hayden Barnes (Rebecca Budig) all looking for a codicil to Mikkos Cassadine’s (John Colicos) will that will disinherit Valentin and boot him out of Wyndemere!

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What If The Codicil Is Attached To The Real Will And The One Valentin Cassadine Found In Greece Isn’t Legit?

General Hospital viewers will recall that when Valentin came to Port Charles and took over Wyndemere shortly after Nikolas Cassadine (most recently Nick Stabile) presumably died on Cassadine Island, he had found what was supposed to be Mikkos’ most current will in Greece. Viewers may also recall that Valentin had a huge genealogy book on the Cassadine family.

There remains some question as to why he would have that or especially why he would need it for reference, but perhaps he kept it as a tool for searching for other relatives who may outrank him for the Cassadine money and properties! It more than likely helped him find Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn), his half-sister, since Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) would have considered her a “bastard” just like Valentin since they are both progeny of mistresses of Mikkos!

Some have speculated that Valentin isn’t a real Cassadine because of his having the genealogy book of his family, but they should take into consideration that Valentin, like Peter August (Wes Ramsey) was put in a boarding school; he wasn’t raised in the Cassadine home. When he was in WSB spy school with Anna Devane (Finola Hughes), he was a hunchback who went by the name “Ivan Theodore”. But what if the codicil is attached to a copy of Mikkos’ will and the whole thing reads differently than Valentin’s copy?

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Valentin Cassadine Could Be Accused Of Forging His Copy Of Mikkos Cassadine’s Will

If the codicil is found attached to a copy of Mikkos’ original will and it reads differently than Valentin’s copy, Valentin could easily be accused of forging his copy, and he would be quite indignant about it! He was a mercenary for many years, but he was doing what he was doing in order to survive; he was an outcast from the remainder of the Cassadines once Mikkos died,and even before that, and that has been many years ago now. Alexis didn’t even know about him and he didn’t know about her except through the genealogy book he has.

Helena never mentioned him until 2009, and Mikkos disowned him when he was born, and that’s why he grew up in a boarding school. It would be understandable, therefore, to think that Valentin could have forged his copy; after all, why would Mikkos disown him as a baby and then name him as heir in his will? It doesn’t make sense! Even then, one could kind of understand why Valentin would forge a copy of Mikkos’ will after that kind of treatment by his family; he would feel they owed him something!

As far as the idea of cheating Spencer Cassadine, (Nicolas Bechtel) a small child when Valentin came to town out of his inheritance, he knew that Spencer would be taken care of by his grandma Laura and wouldn’t have need or want for anything, and if Laura had not been there for Spencer, then his uncle Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) would!

Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

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Curtis AshfordGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersValentin Cassadine
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