General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Power Moves – Will He Realize His Dream of Taking Over ELQ?

General Hospital: Valentin Cassadine’s (James Patrick Stuart)General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that Valentin Cassadine’s (James Patrick Stuart) discovery that he is not, in fact, a Cassadine has pushed him over the edge. For months now, GH viewers may recall that Valentin has plotted to get a sense of power and purpose back in his life. Taking over ELQ is just one-step toward that goal.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Valentin Cassadine Makes Power Moves

As many GH viewers know, Valentin lost his identity when he discovered after taking a DNA test that he wasn’t really part of the Cassadine family. Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) had told him as much but he didn’t believe him. When Nikolas was proven right, Valentin was crushed.

Now, GH viewers may agree that the character of Valentin has always been one that grasps for power. As a businessman, Valentin knows that there are multiple routes to the top of the food chain. One of those ways is simply to buy one’s way to the pinnacle of the pyramid. Thus, over the past few months, viewers have watched Valentin making clandestine purchases, investing in companies like Deception, and targeting the weakest shareholders at ELQ.

GH fans of Valentin ought to be smiling at the moment because not only has Valentin gotten hold of Nelle Benson’s (Chloe Lanier) shares at ELQ, but he’s about to take possession of Brook Lynn Quartermaine’s (Amanda Setton) as well!

GH spoilers – Valentin Cassadine Jealous of Nikolas Cassadine

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In terms of motivation, it’s very possible that Valentin wants ELQ simply because the Cassadines once controlled the company. (Valentin’s nephew Nikolas once took control.) Perhaps Valentin’s mentality is such that, when once his family has taken possession of something, it is a dire insult if the family loses control of that possession.

Of course, it’s also not beyond the realm of imagination to suggest that Valentin wants ELQ because he’s jealous of Nikolas. After all, it’s been proven that Nikolas is a real Cassadine while Valentin is not. GH viewers may remember that Valentin actually tried to kill Nikolas. In fact, Valentin thought he actually had murdered him until Nikolas showed back up. The point here is that it’s possible Valentin simply wants anything that Nikolas used to possess. Perhaps Valentin views it as some form of twisted validation.

General Hospital Spoilers – ELQ is Valentin Cassadine’s to Lose

GH fans may agree that at this point, it really doesn’t seem that the Quartermaine family is seeing Valentin coming. His stealthy moves to take shares from both Nelle and Brook Lynn have so far gone entirely unnoticed. The only snare in his path is the fact that Brook Lynn hasn’t quite handed the shares over to Linc Brown (Dan Buran) just yet. However, should Valentin overcome that problem, and with both of these women’s shares in hand, the evil Cassadine will apparently have the controlling share.

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The question then becomes, what will Valentin do with ELQ once the company is his, because right now … ELQ is Valentin’s to lose.

Curtis AshfordGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersValentin Cassadine
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  • anastasia


  • LAB66

    Why not, he’s going after a business opportunity. How is it any different then when Nik took over ELQ. Or what Jax is credited with being which is a corporate raider. It will be even more interesting if Valentin does take over and it turns out he’s a Quartermaine.