General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Vs Nelle – Who Will Outsmart The Other?

General Hospital (GH) Spoilers tease that Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) have bumped heads recently and that it may result in an all-out war between the two. Both of these characters have been known for their cruel and sometimes manipulative behavior, and with friends like these, there may be no need to have enemies. So between the two of them, who would be the one who would come out on top if these two faced off against each other?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Nelle Benson Is Manipulative And An Actress

As viewers know, Nelle is great at what she does and can fool anyone in a matter of seconds. She could care less if you know what she is really like, she will still get tears in her eyes while telling you a sad story about how she found you knocked out on the side of the road and tried to save you but for some reason, she couldn’t. When in reality, she was probably the person who knocked you out and placed you in the middle of the street in hopes of you getting hit by a car.

This is what makes her so dangerous. You never know which Nelle you will be getting. At the moment she seems heartless and then she seems like the sweetest person. She even turned the story of her giving Brad her baby into Brad stole my baby.

General Hospital Spoilers – Valentin Cassadine Is Cruel

The problem with Nelle is that her charm is not going to work on Valentin, which may not be that big of a problem because her charm did not work on Carly, but she was still able to frame Carly for pushing her down the stairs. However, Valentin is the type of person that would threaten you as well as your whole family, although he has only been seen killing Nickolas, it could not be put pass Valentin to go that far as he did try to kill Ava recently. He also has many resources at his disposal, even without the Cassadine money. Not to mention in this case, he has a lot of information that could take down Nelle.

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Both Nelle and Valentin have strengths that make them dangerous, but one might be more dangerous than the other. In this case, Nelle will want to be careful if she decides to continue targeting Valentin since he does have information that would result in her losing custody of her child. What do you think? In a battle between Nelle and Valentin, who might become the winner?

We’ll give you updates as GH news comes in. Stick with the ABC soap, and don’t forget to check CTS often for the latest General Hospital spoilers, updates, and news.

CArly CorinthosGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersNelle Benson
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  • Guest

    Valentin! But it all depend on how the writers write the script. They seen to favor Nelle more than anyone else on the show and that includes the safety of her baby. The writers love her to the point that it is sickening especially when it comes to the safety of a baby and his health. Michael is the better parent therefore he should get custody but we all know how this is going to end, so we we want talk about it any more. Nelle always gets what she wants on the show she has great writers writing her script. I know one thing I’m tired of her and her childish acting. She needs to grow up and get a life and let Michael be happy with Wiley/Jonas and whomever he chose to marry. She had her chance with him and blew it. So she needs to get the stepping out of his life and Wiley/Jonas life,because lied and it’s time for lies to come back and bit her. She don’t make the show, Sonny, Carly, Jason and Mike along with Sam.

  • Guest

    Probably Nelle because she’s been winning since the day she arrived to PC.

  • Charles David Haskell

    I must put my money on Valentin Cassadine because he won’t play anything rule when it come to his enemies. Nelle believe that she know everything but she is wrong because she will discover what kind of monster that Valentin Cassadine when there is a showdown. He will get rid of her and make it look like one of her enemies did it. PCPD won’t be able to found the bodies.

  • Pat Mitchell Bryant


  • Guest

    I don’t think Nelle is any match for Valentin!

  • Guest

    Well said Tay55! Why is Nelle the center of the show? Writers are not thing of the safety of Wileyl, only Nelle always getting by with everything. OMG, let her get caught sometimes!! She is not what makes GH. I think everyone is tired of her..

  • Guest

    Valentin always!! I love JPS!! Please let him have some good luck!