General Hospital Spoilers reveal the truth is going to come to light soon for at least some of Port Charles’ finest residents that Victor Cassadine may be the mastermind lurking behind The Hook. It isn’t a far stretch to assume Victor would kill someone just to get them out of his way.
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After all, he just admitted to Holly Sutton (Emma Samms) that he would have no trouble killing her son, Ethan Lovett (Nathan Parsons) just as he killed bee sister, Paloma, right in front of her. Victor is used to getting his way, even if he has to bend the law to do it. He doesn’t care who becomes a casualty in his war as long as he comes out on top.
General Hospital Spoilers — If the Shoe Fits…
Some residents of Port Chuck might still believe Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) is The Hook, but now that Rory Cabrera (Michael Blake Keuae) has been hooked while Esme was trapped in the north tower at Wyndemere, Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) and Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) are going to know she’s not The Hook after all. While no one else knows of Esme’s whereabouts, least of all the PCPD, they’re going to start rethinking their theory that Esme committed these crimes as new evidence comes to light about who may have killed Rory.
However, the evidence is conveniently going to point to another one of Victor’s targets — his great nephew, Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez). One of The Hook’s victims, Diane Miller (Carolyn Hennesy), told the police that the hook wielding maniac who attacked her was a woman, which would throw quite a wrench into the theory that Victor is behind it all if we didn’t already know Deputy Mayor Eileen Ashby (Heather Mazur) is working for him. Could she have been the face Diane knew she had seen before but couldn’t pinpoint where?
GH Spoilers – Hint Victor Cassadine Has Been Plotting This All Along
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General Hospital spoilers show Victor might be setting Spencer up, but his goal with The Hook didn’t start as a means to frame his great nephew. Rather, the first victim was Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West), and he needed her out of the way and away from Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma). However, Ava sustained injuries but survived. Thus, Victor had to increase the threat by lacing the hook with snake venom. As he went on claiming lives and seemingly aimlessly attacking citizens of Port Charles, it was all a means to throw the police off and think Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) was the target when it was really Spencer.
General Hospital Spoilers — Setting The Stage For Spencer Cassadine’s Fall
Now, Rory has been killed and soon, the police will think Spencer did it. When all evidence points to Spencer, will Victor step in to save his young relative, or might he throw him to the wolves? If the latter, will Spencer’s other uncle, Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober), come to his aid? Stay tuned for more GH news, updates, and spoilers just ahead.
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[…] house, Anna is serious as she tells someone none of them are free-she could be talking about the Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) takedown operation. Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) is the one resident of the safe house who is impatient about […]