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General Hospital Spoilers Weekly Preview Video Sept 3-6: Grim Discovery, Prime Suspects, Shocking Savior, Possible Setups

An explosive week coming up in Port Charles and a big whodunit!

General Hospital spoilers and updates for the week of Tuesday, September 3-Friday, September 6 tease grim discoveries, prime suspects, possible setups and surprising saviors!

Coming Up At General Hospital

Anna Devane’s (Finola Hughes) on the scene of a grim discovery, prime suspect  Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) hints at a possible setup, and Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson) has a surprising savior!

General Hospital Spoilers – Grim Discoveries

Anna is at the Q’s boathouse as the crime scene photographer is taking photos of a grim sight-Agent John “Jagger” Cates (Adam J. Harrington)  in a pool of blood.

He’s sprawled out on the deck and that looks like Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell)  walking out the door behind her with a grim look on his face. 

MUST READ – GH Spoilers: Anna And Robert Find Holly While Searching For Valentin

Anna has likely needed a Quartermaine involved in order to gain entrance to the boathouse so it can be scoured for clues by the PCPD crime scene unit.

The look on Anna’s face is as grim as the scene on the deck and it seems to say Cates had it coming to him.

The list of suspects will be large, as everyone in town hated the rogue agent with a vendetta-his scandalous arrest of a grieving Kristina Corinthos-Davis (Kate Mansi) didn’t help his reputation!

GH Spoilers – Prime Suspects

Michael stands under his umbrella with a grim look on his face, still outside,  as inside, Detective Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) proclaims the bad news.  

He  says “Agent Cates is dead-he was shot, and everyone here is going to need to be questioned”.

Brook Lynn Quartermaine Chase (Amanda Setton) is shocked, and Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) and Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) are both  with Sonny. They appear to be inside the Q mansion in front of the fireplace and everyone looks rather uneasy.

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Both Nina and Carly look at Sonny, who’s between them with looks on their face that say it all-there’s your prime suspect, looking straight at Sonny!

General Hospital Spoilers – Possible Setups

It sounds like the thunderstorm is still going on outside as a crash is heard, as if lightning’s striking again in the same place!

Sonny tells Carly, ”If anybody asks we’ve been up here for the last half hour,” after telling her he needs her help. Carly, suspicious, asks why- why, indeed; he says “we’ve”-who is the other part of the  “we” he’s talking about, has he a possible setup in mind for Cates’ murder?

Carly looks like she’s experiencing some unpleasant déjà vu from all the times in the past she protected Sonny for various crimes-but on the other hand, maybe Sonny’s including her in the “we”! Maybe he’s providing her with an alibi too because  he knows she’d be a top contender for Cates’ murder suspicions as well.

MUST READ – General Hospital Spoilers: Brook Lynn’s Secret Teenage Pregnancy Revealed!

GH Spoilers – Surprising Saviors

Meanwhile, back in Africa at the compound Sidwell (Carlos Rota) is buttonholing Lucky, who still appears to be in a mess of trouble. 

Sidwell says” well”– and it sounds like he’s surprised-and there’s Holly Sutton (Emma Samms) as she says “hello darling”! But who’s she calling “darling”, Sidwell or Lucky?

Sidwell appears to know Holly,  judging by his demeanor! It looks like Holly’s beaten Laura and Kevin Collins (Genie Francis, Jon Lindstrom) to the compound.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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  1. Liza says

    Please don’t make this about Sonny going down for Kristina. He couldn’t have done that. There was no reason to do it. Neither could Kristina have done it without some real stretches that are too off the wall. Hallucination, please. Don’t go overboard with Alexis losing her license and going to rehab because Sam dies and her other 2 daughters are crazy out of control. This is dumping way too much on Alexis right after losing Gregory, Finn, her granddaughter. The non-storydriven loss of Sam has to mean getting rid of some other intended tragedies.
    This isn’t Game of Thrones. These are regular people (superspies, billionaire madmen and women, good mobsters et al who play baseball in the park with doctors, lawyers, social workers and police who all care about their children and saving their town and hospital from the real bad guys, the Cassidines, bad mobsters, bad WSB actors, and serial killers. They have good times and bad times.
    But every PC family is cracked apart right now. (Corinthios, Davis, Spencer, and Quartermaine — Willow and Micahael and Drew), and Ashford/Robinsons). Too much suffering going on without the element of wisdom, strength, loyalty and common sense. At least we have Stella and Tracy Q.

    1. Candi says

      You are 100% correct!

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