General Hospital Spoilers: Wes Ramsey Reveals He Isn’t Going Anywhere If He Can Help It – Can Peter Be Redeemed?

General Hospital: Wes Ramsey (Peter August)General Hospital spoilers tease that Wes Ramsey isn’t going anywhere if he can help it – is there any way that his General Hospital character, Peter August, can be redeemed?

AMP in the post

General Hospital Spoilers – Wes Ramsey Has Been Written Into A Corner

It would seem that Wes Ramsey, who is the real-life longtime boyfriend of Laura Wright, who plays Carly Corinthos, has been written into a corner, and many General Hospital fans have learned to hate Peter rather than learned to love to hate Peter.

That’s not good for the future of the character, but fans have learned to love to hate other current villainous characters such as Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier), Peter’s mentor, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and some even loved to hate Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin)! After all, what’s a soap opera without a good villain or two – boring! They could keep Peter on as Cesar Faison (Anders Hove) generation two, but if fans hate him instead of loving to hate him, what’s the point? How can Peter be redeemed?

GH Spoilers – Anna Devane And Alexandra Marick Are Twins – Could Peter August Be A Twin?

Even though in real life it is the father that carries the twin’s gene and passes it on, resulting in twins, in a daytime drama that has had villains who wanted to freeze the world, benevolent aliens befriending little girls, and frozen humans in stasis being brought back from the dead, the twin gene coming from mothers is tame! There is still the question of whether Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) or Alexandra Marick (Finola Hughes) is really Peter’s mother, but that is not likely to be answered any time soon.

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Could Peter be a twin? Maybe Valentin didn’t wait long enough to find out there was another baby and maybe the midwife gave him to a different family! And if Peter is a twin, could his evil twin have kidnapped him and be hiding him somewhere and that is who we really see now, and who we saw with Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) in Afghanistan in Shiloh’s flashbacks?

Maybe Peter has a twin-like Dr. Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom) only no one can say Peter or his twin is a villain comparable to Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom)! The story started out with apparently the real Peter being blackmailed by Shiloh – but could an evil twin have switched places with the real Peter?

Or, the twin idea could work out another way – if Peter is killed off or incarcerated for the rest of his life, could his twin who is good in every way like his late half-brother Nathan West (Ryan Paevey) show up in Port Charles looking for his birth family? At least there would be Anna, and Valentin could tell him about Peter.

General Hospital Spoilers – Speaking Of Twins, Maybe Drew Cain Shows Up Alive

Drew Cain (Billy Miller) or a recast could show up alive; if Billy doesn’t want to return to GH perhaps Sean Kanan, the original AJ Quartermaine may be an option for GH to reach out to; in their younger years, Sean and Steve Burton, who plays Drew’s twin, Jason Morgan looked like real brothers and almost close enough to be twins; Sean has a similar build to Billy as well.

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If Drew is found alive at least that would be one murder off Peter’s plate; no one can prove that the gunman Peter shot when Dr. Andre Maddox (Anthony Montgomery) was trying to do the memory transfer reversal on Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth) wasn’t shot trying to stop him from going through with the hit that Peter had ordered, because Peter actually had changed his mind and was trying to stop the hit!

And Peter’s worst fear may not even happen – Drew may still not remember anything from Afghanistan and still may not want to! He could be charged with attempted murder if it could be proven, but there’s a good chance that it cannot be proven. The only person that would be able to speak to what happened when Drew was kidnapped out of Afghanistan would be Shiloh, and he’s dead!

What do you think? Can Peter be redeemed or a previously unknown identical twin be written? Stay tuned to GH, and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersPeter AugustRobert Scorpio
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  • Guest

    Peter has done wayyy too much to be redeemed and now this latest stunt with Holly- he is either going to prison or taking a dirt nap.

  • SOS_Editor

    Yep I agree… but look at Franco he was super bad and they were able to redeem him…

  • Martha Hunt

    I’m pretty sure if some people do can he

  • Guest

    Can’t redeem Peter for me but I’m certain other fans will accept it.

  • Guest

    Peter can be redeemed he truly loves Maxie and she truly loves him they are soulmates and Maxie always gets hurt she and Peter belong together and deserve to be happy ❤️ I think more to the story as far as drew and Holly go they are not deadi think Peter is doing this to protect his family Maxie and James because they are everything to him