Latest soap opera spoilers, news and exclusive updates for The Young and The Restless, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital and The Bold and the Beautiful.

General Hospital Spoilers: What Does Cyrus Want From Drew

General Hospital spoilers leak Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kover) is always a man on a mission. He’s always working on an agenda, and perhaps that’s why his sister, Laura Collins (Genie Francis), knows she still can’t trust him. No matter how much Cyrus espouses that he has changed since finding the Lord, Laura just can’t bring herself to believe it.

Neither can we. It’s clear that Cyrus has a goal in circling around Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison). Welcoming him to prison the way he did, and handing over his first shank was a clear sign of that. Is Cyrus really just a genuine brother in arms that is ready to look out for Drew, or does he have more sinister plans in store for him?

General Hospital Spoilers — Drew Cain Received  A Warm Welcome

Make no doubt about it, Cyrus made sure that Drew knew he was home. General Hospital spoilers show Drew balked at first, not wanting to have anything to do with the man who tried to harm so many people that he loves. Cyrus was quick to clap back, thanking God for not letting him succeed in killing people like Sasha Gilmore Corbin (Sofia Mattsson). That’s not going to be enough for Drew to come over to his side or want to sit with Cyrus in the prison yard.

General Hospital: Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kover)

GH Spoilers – Indicate Cyrus Renault Spies An Asset

Cyrus clearly sees an asset in Drew or he wouldn’t be wasting his time with him. So what does he want to mold Drew into? It looks like Cyrus is still the one pulling strings with many of his men falling to his feet. Somehow, he has managed to hold onto some level of power during his prison sentence – which has no end in sight currently. But what is it that Drew could provide him with that someone else in his current prison orbit could not?

General Hospital Spoilers — What Does He Need With Drew Cain?

The rumor mill is churning and spitting out theories that Drew’s training as a Navy SEAL is going to come in quite handy for Cyrus. Is he planning a prison break? Does this plan of his really require three years of mapping out before Drew gets out? Maybe Cyrus has connections that could help Drew get released sooner? That might help him take the bait. There is nothing Drew wants more than to get back to Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) and Scout Cain (Cosette Abinante). But will he forsake himself in the process? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to find out

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