General Hospital Spoilers: What Really Happened To Hayden Barnes?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) might do just about anything to discover what has become of his ex-fiancé, Hayden Barnes (Rebecca Budig).

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GH viewers who’ve been with the show a while know that Finn is the father of Hayden’s child. They may also remember that Hayden left Finn behind, selfishly ditching him on their wedding day and disappearing. Though Hayden was pregnant at the time, she told Finn in a letter that she’d lost the baby in a miscarriage.

Ultimately, Hayden returned to Port Charles where it was revealed that she’d lied about losing her baby and that Finn was a father. She had given birth and named the child Violet. (She knew that violets were Finn’s favorite flower.) Although Finn was out of his mind with rage over the fact that Hayden had lied and had prevented him from being the father he so desperately craved to be, Hayden attempted to make things right.

Eventually, Hayden introduced Violet Finn (Jophielle Love) to her father. GH fans know that the moment was a sweet one for Finn and he swiftly formed a loving bond with the little girl. Although it seemed a ray of sunlight had entered Finn’s life, it wasn’t long before trouble came calling. Fortunately for Finn, he had already begun a more (seemingly) stable relationship with Anna Devane (Finola Hughes).

General Hospital Spoilers – Hayden Barnes Loose Chance With Hamilton Finn

Too bad for Hayden, however, she might have blown her chance with Finn for good. Although not completely alone in Port Charles, Hayden was soon to face threats apparently on all sides. Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) showed up declaring that he believed she knew who was plotting against him. In fact, he first began by offering her all kinds of monetary bribes to get her to divulge the knowledge he suspected she had. When that didn’t work he proceeded to threaten her physically. After all, the evil Cassadine believed Hayden was in on trying to rid him of his fortune!

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GH Spoilers – Nikolas Cassadine Came To The Rescue

Some GH viewers may say thank God for Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma). After all, he did come to rescue of sorts. Due to his urging (and his scheming and hiring a thug to scare her), Hayden became deathly afraid and decided to get the heck out of Dodge while the getting was good. Unfortunately, Hayden also chose to ditch her daughter and place all responsibility for her care in the hands of Finn.
Now, GH fans know that Hayden has gone missing.

While no one seems to know what’s become of her, Ava Jerome (Maura West) threw out a few theories in a discussion with Nikolas. As she said to the Good Cassadine, “I cannot speak for Hayden, but she’s obviously a very savvy woman.” There was no way, Ava claimed, that Hayden couldn’t know about the fact that Nikolas has regained his inheritance or that the threat posed by Valentin no longer exists. She went on to note that because Hayden hasn’t returned to Port Charles knowing all this, it strongly implies that she cannot return.

Many GH viewers may suspect the same thing.

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Either Hayden is in trouble with somebody else because, after all, she has a lot of adversaries or she actually did meet with some kind of accident.

Questions abound.

However, with Nikolas Cassadine looking for a way to improve his karma, it’s a good bet that he may begin an investigation into Hayden’s whereabouts. One thing most GH fans can agree upon though is this, no one wants to see Finn or Violet get hurt. Hopefully, then, Hayden can be found … alive and unharmed.

Ava JeromeGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersValentin Cassadine
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  • Guest

    Hope she returns