General Hospital Spoilers: Willow and Drew’s Lip Lock Drives Sasha Over the Edge

General Hospital Spoilers reveal Willow Corinthos (Kaitlyn MacMullen) and Drew Quartermaine (Cameron Mathison) are making major waves with fans — and not all of them are happy about the latest change in romantic relationships in Port Charles.

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Willow and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) have fought their way back from death do they part to be together and provide a loving family for their children.

The fans are having a hard time believing Willow would do this to her children, or to Michael. They’re not the only ones either.

Sasha Gilmore Corbin (Sofia Mattsson) can’t seem to shake the memory from her mind of catching Drew and Willow locking lips. Given Sasha’s history of dealing pretty poorly with all things emotions, will she be able to process this without giving into the urge to cope in less-than-healthy ways?

General Hospital Spoilers — Who is More Haunted?

At this juncture, it’s difficult to say who is taking this harder — Sasha, or Willow herself. While Mrs. Corinthos can’t believe she did what she did, we have a sneaking suspicion the guilt won’t eat her alive enough to stop her from wanting to do it again. It’s likely that her lack of regret is what is really keeping Willow up at night tossing and turning.

That being said, Sasha has formed such a solid friendship with Willow and Drew. She doesn’t want to risk losing her job by outing them either. At the same time, she came into this circle through Michael, and feels she owes him the transparency his wife and uncle aren’t giving him. Does she?

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GH Spoilers Hint Cody May Not Be in Her Corner

Sasha just came clean to Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) and Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) about having meddled in Cody Bell’s (Josh Kelly) paternity situation more than they could have imagined.

She’s not big on keeping secrets. In addition, she shared that Cody opened up to her about Mac Scorpio (John J. York) being his dad months ago.

Now, she may be hoping Cody will return the favor and let her confide in him about what she saw. But if he’s about to high-tail it out of town, she could regret letting the truth slip out.

General Hospital Spoilers — History Always Repeats Itself?

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The bigger concern is that Sasha is going to feel like she’s betraying Michael by keeping this secret from him. Deep down, she still loves Michael. It was never supposed to be this way, after all.

She only gave Michael up so that he and Willow could secure custody of Wiley Corinthos (Vernon Weaver). She never imagined it would end with him and Willow truly falling in love.

Now, watching Willow so carelessly toss her marriage to the side for a fling with Drew — all while knowing he’s in bed with Willow’s mother, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) — could be too much for Sasha to bear.

Will she turn to pills to cope? Will she lose everything just as she’s starting to rebuild all because of the way her heart aches for Michael? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to find out.

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  • Gammalinda48

    Writers please don’t bring SASHA into this mess in having her head for a breakdown!! We the Fan’s Love Her with Cody, and how slowly they are building their Romance!! Hopefully someone else finds out about that STUPID KISS, maybe when Drew and Nina hit the sack again Willow will walk in on it!!! Drew is a PIG, hitting on Mother & Daughter what are these Writers trying to prove??? Yes, we all know that some Politicians are like that, but Drew hasn’t even WON his ELECTION!! I REALLY WISH the writers would CLOSE some of the other STORYLINES FIRST before opening New One, for example Sonny and his Meds. it’s about time it’s found out PLEASE!! Also why are the writers making AVA turn back into her OLD WAYS, I liked it the way she is now ??? That’s it for now with my Comments!!

    • Cassie

      I think this is speculation. We saw Sasha tell Cody on Friday and he gave her the best possible advice: Even though she knows these people – she is still “the Help” right now. The best advice is to keep your mouth shut -because working in someone else’s home you are going to stumble upon things you’d rather not.

      Willow and Michael have already been over one big hump. Willow does not want to lose Wiley (remember he is not her bio kid).

      Also – Sasha seemed VERY over Michael. but just like Michael quizzed Cody for his intentions – she wants the best for him. Sasha doesn’t like keeping this secret – however, she is full-on into Cody right now.

  • Ann

    I think Sasha is stronger now .Now that she doesn’t have to deal with Brandon’s mother or Cyrus pumping her with drugs..
    She is going to have a hard time nor mentioning it to Michael .i think that she may tell someone other then Cody and it will get back to Michael cover u0s alw@yes do

  • Steven Anderson

    Sasha really does not need to keep secrets again but Willow is doing with Drew is wrong. I mean wait until she finds out that her mom has been sleeping with Drew as well and she is eventually going to tell Michael about with those portrayal. Now Anna, on the other hand, she needs to stop, letting Valentine tempt her into marriage or whatever they need a wrap of the pikeman storyline. They’ve been dragging us out for a long, long time they need to get rid of move onto another storyline. Now Ava and Sunny on the other hand, Ava has been keeping the truth about Sonny’s tampered meds for a long time away from him hopefully sunny will find out that Ava has been keeping it from him and she will finally pay for what she’s done.

  • MJ

    Oh PLEASE!! One, Sasha is not still in love with wimpy Michael! She found a real man in Brando, and now Cody. No way does she want that stupid twit, Michael!! She cares for him as a friend.
    Second, Sasha is not some weak little porcelain doll who needs to take a pill every time she gets upset. She was doing pretty good, even with Brando DYING, until his selfish, greedy, hateful mother and that evil doctor started drugging and gaslighting her. With all she’s been through, I don’t think one kiss between friends who shouldn’t be kissing, is gonna send her off the deep end. She loves Willow as much as she does Michael, so her best move would be to talk PRIVATELY with Willow and tell her what she saw. Give Willow a chance to explain and go on from there. Willow will have more trouble handling Nina and Drew’s hook up’s, than Sasha will a kiss. Poor Willow has to bored to tears married to Michael, so who can blame her for looking elsewhere? But, Drew is NOT a step up from Michael! He might be even more sanctimonious and boring!!

  • Benjy B

    Drew is Michael’s Uncle not cousin. Wow, please tell me how to to get a job reporting on this show…. because the bar doesn’t seem high.