General Hospital Spoilers: Willow Is Pregnant?

General Hospital: Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen)General Hospital spoilers tease that Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) will get a second epic shock soon. The first was finding out that her guy and friend were getting it on, will the second be that she’s pregnant?

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If so Willow may be married to another guy by then. Yes, she gets around, but it’s not what it sounds like!

Willow is likely to consent to a marriage of convenience, but if she does will she try to pass a new baby off as Michael Corinthos’ (Chad Duell)?

General Hospital Spoilers – Willow Tait And Chase Harrison Had A Good Thing Going Until He Blew It Up

Willow had her world rocked when she arrived home to find her boyfriend, Chase Harrison (Josh Swickard), on the couch with their friend Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson). Did I mention that Chase was shirtless and Sasha’s top unbuttoned?

Their make-out sesh was interrupted but that’s exactly the way they planned it!

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None of the action was for real, these two set up Willow to make her believe they were doing something they shouldn’t. And she fell for it like a genuine ingenue.

GH Spoilers – Willow Tait Must Decide Which Guy To Ride Or Die with

The first thing Willow did was run to Sasha’s boyfriend Michael. Wide-eyed she spilled the whole gory truth out, and he listened with his mouth open. For a second there it looked like he would catch on to the ridiculousness of the scenario and figure the whole thing out. Nope, he’s a dope.

So, it looks like these two will go ahead and get married. That was the plan behind the make-out sesh, to push Willow and Michael into a fake marriage.

General Hospital Spoilers – What’s Next For Willow?

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It appears a fake marriage will indeed take place. The goal is to create a good home for Michael’s son Wiley, with a solid dad and a sane mother. But can they be called anything but lunatic after buying that ludicrous story about Chase and Sasha? It is 100% unbelievable.

Now comes the tricky part—the consequences of these two couple’s actions.

Will Willow soon find herself pregnant? If so the child is Chase’s. But she most likely will be with Michael. Oy vey.

What happens if Willow is with a child and suddenly must care for another child to boot? I see complications on the horizon soap fans!

General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersKatelyn MacMullenWillow Tait
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  • Guest

    I want Willow to be pregnant by Chase!!! They’re an awesome couple!! She’s naive & I can believe she fell for Chase & Sasha’s make out session, but Michael? Isn’t he supposed to be smart? I forgot, he’s Carly’s kid. Of course he’s not smart!!

  • Guest

    I would love love if Willow was pregnant with Chases baby Boy would that be a fantastic story

  • Guest

    I agree with everything u said!!! Love Chase & Willow together!!! If she's pregnant it's def Chase's!! Michael isn't smart. Everything he gets & has is bcuz of his wealthy families!!!!.