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General Hospital Spoilers – Willow Tait Has to Think
Ouch. That’s a painful thing to consider, “Willow thinking.” Some GH viewers might swear that Willow’s never had an original thought in her brain since the day she came screaming into this world. Certainly, Willow’s never exercised true free will. Willow has allowed others to manipulate her entire existence and every action from day one. What makes anyone believe that Willow will have the wherewithal to select her own life path once Wiley is safely in Michael Corinthos’s (Chad Duell) arms?
Everyone seems to want Michael and Willow to fall in love, make a family, and live happily ever after with Wiley as their connection and shared prize. For a zombie-like Willow who has the mental capacity of a sponge, maybe that’s the best option. Other GH fans, however, feel like throwing up at the mere idea of this forced “Michael and Willow must marry because … Wiley” plot. Moreover, the fact that these fans are outraged shouldn’t come as a surprise since the story has all the characteristics of bad writing, and literally zero attributes that capture the heart or mind.
GH Spoilers – If Willow Tait Thinks
If the powers that be allow Willow to have a thought of her own, some GH fans wonder what that might be. Following a victory in court, can Willow truly envision life as the wife of a stuffed shirt like Michael? Michael and Willow might seem to make a good pair considering the fact that both are brainless and easily manipulated (shows the benefits of being born into a wealthy family, eh?), but then who would decide what to make for breakfast?
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Sure, Willow would never worry again about money, but it’s not likely that a loyal woman like her would find a passionate lover on the side. Is Willow to live forever with a passionless robot for a husband? Oops, that may not matter much since it’s already been established that Willow is pretty much a zombie all by herself.
Alright then, Robot and Zombie love aside, if Willow actually thinks for herself even one time she might consider choosing a life that’s beneficial to her own romantic future and overall independence.
General Hospital Spoilers – What Does Willow Tait’s Independence Look Like?
Some GH fans might well ask themselves why Willow needs a man at all. Sure, she’s probably never known what life is like without some kind of manly security blanket … and if that was Willow’s own choice, no problem. However, some believe that Willow ought to take a step back from the Corinthos family, from Michael … maybe even from Wiley in the near future.
Willow needs to discover who she is apart from everyone and everything else. Willow needs to develop inner strength, mental clarity, fortitude, and overall confidence in herself. It’s the whole cliché … Willow needs to be whole with herself before she can be the life-partner someone needs her to be.
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Honestly, if Willow ever had a fresh thought in her brain she’d go running back to Chase. She’d divorce Michael post haste, have the marriage annulled, leave Port Charles entirely, strike out for a role in the Peace Corps, become an activist to save whales, anything but stay tied to the drudgery of existence with Michael Corinthos as her husband.
no michae; and willow have no chemistry together they are boring
sense she cant think for herself, she will probably agree to whatever Michael says
I believe they will stay together. I remember Willow telling Michael at the hospital when Wiley was sick that she needs him to do whatever it takes to win Full Custody. That was after Sasha had suggested Michael should Marry Willow. So, I think she is where she not only needs to be but wants to be..and to me they complete each other. I started watching GH again in March. I loved it so much that I went back and watched mostly all of the scenes to bring myself up to speed on them.
I loved the Youtube channel by JsMs99 and others and after watching Michael and Willow scenes to me they have lots of chemistry and I think they have more feelings for each other than they have admitted.
They easily opened up to each other and had each others back..both of them need that kind of love and that kind of person in their corner…especially Wiley..Bring back the Q-mansion the new Edward and Lila!! lol
He gave her the very special ring..look back at the episodes especially December 2018,,the next Super Couple and I think if GH writers play it right a lot of people will gravitate to them..they can act too!! I love their development and they look so cute with Wiley..they make a great team and even the Q’s and Corinthos seem to think Michael and Willow are good together. I love how the writers took their time and build their friendship..and cannot wait to see if take off..True and Pure Love.
No they suck as a couple! They need to go back with the people they truly Love!!
No, There is no chemistry
If written properly, of course they can stay together. The author of the above article is obviously biased, in the way he/she insults both characters. Yes, both are codependent, as both have been raised to put their families’ (mothers’) needs before their own. With time and with (hopefully) either counseling or healthy guidance from non-codependents, they can learn to love themselves and each other. They can learn to see love as more of an action word than simply a feeling word. It would be really cool to see a healthy love-relationship storyline written this way. I wonder if any GH writers have the courage-or intelligence-to write in such a manner.