AMP in the post
General Hospital Spoilers – Trouble In Millow Paradise
Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) thought she was walking into the ideal situation when she was offered the chance to adopt Wiley and make him her official son after losing her own baby and thinking Wiley was that baby for so long. On top of that, she gets Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell), who she thought was such a prize and would always respect her while giving her a very fancy place to live — and even wine tasting classes right at home. What could be better?
Well, maybe a man who respects you and lets you know what his next plans are for your child and family, rather than keeping secrets and giving orders. Michael is not that man as he is now determined to be just as obnoxious and controlling as his mother and Willow is starting to see that. Two Carlys (Laura Wright) is a never a good thing to have and Willow is stuck with the junior version.
GH Spoilers – Willow Tait Stands Up For Herself
We now see Harmony (Inga Cardranel) is pretty troubled about the situation Willow has gotten herself into. Rather than being enthralled with a cult leader (which was Harmony’s fault anyway), Willow got herself mixed up with a spoiled rich boy who thinks he can buy off politicians and tell her what she can and can’t do and Harmony is now asking her daughter to speak for herself and think for herself.
AMP in the post
If Michael does one more underhanded thing without telling Willow and then orders Willow to just go along with it when she finds out, will Willow want to take it anymore and still live with this man she gave up Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) for? Perhaps not. But what about Wiley? Well, legally, he is as much her son as he is Michael’s because Michael decided to make it that way so she can easily get a lawyer and sue for either full or shared custody, something we all know Michael and Carly will not like. Will they regret being so free with what they gave to Willow? Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays to see if this happens.
Willow have lost your mind.. Michael is the biological father he not going give you custody of his Son. You a lost case.
Just let Willow turn out to be Nina’s real daughter when she tries to fight fir custody of Wiley. Get a DNA test done already!!
Willow already had Joint custody with Michael when she dated and “married” Chase. Michael has made Willow a permanent part of Wiley’s life and there is nothing to fight for. Both know the pain of losing a child and even if they somehow made this soulmate couple angry at the other- they still wouldn’t inflect that pain on each other. Michael waited years to be with Willow – he wouldn’t give up, and Willow has always said Michael is The One- Let Michael and Willow go on real dates- instead of using them to drive unrelated plot points. Where was the move into the gatehouse- that first night where they were FINALLY a real couple? Instead they were immediately plunged into more angst when that’s why the triangle didn’t work in the first place. This couple was built to be best friends who feel in love and the show is acting like they’re not sleeping together every night. Don’t they talk anymore? The real Willow would be fighting Nina just as hard as she fought Nelle- she knows a con job when she sees it. Let them work together as a team instead of manufacturing drama that isn’t there. There’s room for normal, happy couples too!
Are the ratings low where do you go to see the ratings
Why Did The WRITER'S
To Mistakes He's Made
Thus Far Or Loose WILLOW
For Good, Who Does He
Think He Is, His Mom CARLY
Who Is A Bit Heavy Handed
At Times, Back Up & Back
Custody & Wins, NINA
Will Take Advantage Sue
WILLOW Because She's
Not A Blood Relitive. The
Only Way To Keep Your
Son WILEY Safe & Out Of
Keep Willow Happy &
Involved, Not Regretting
Her Decision To Leave
& Annull Her Marriage To
Just another stupid story line and breaking up more couples no wonder ratings are low and getting worse if willow tries this she be as crazy as Nina
I think Michael and Joss are becoming mini Carlys and one is more than enough. Both those young actors are talented; I guess the writers think we want more nasty people. Wrong!
These writers have destroyed Every single main character on this shows Horrendous
Michael has changed. He's not the sweet guy Willow gave up Chase for ..Wiley is Michael's son, so he shouldn't lose him, but I understand where Willow's coming from as well. And she is his adoptive mom. They could use some counseling and make sure they are on the same page!.. as Nina could try to jump in and get grandparent's custody. Yikes! They must present a united front. Michael wake up and get back to being the guy we know and love!
I do think Willow is Nina's real daughter!
Take Wiley out of the Willow/Michael scenario there is nothing. Their whole relationship is based on Wiley and Willow's obsession with losing and having a child. When writers allowed Michael to grant Willow custody of Wiley and them not being married at the time was only an opening to get to where it seems the story is going now – another custody battle. Michael was happy with Sasha and Willow was more than happy with Chase when all of the Wiley foolishness was entered into the foursome story line. Michael did not need to be be married to obtain total custody of Wiley, but that is the story writers wanted to tell and I believe all four characters have suffered from it. Others may disagree with my comments, but the above is how I see the whole situation.
I hope Willow does sue for custody. Michael has become his mother (Carly) without the hormones. I doubt if she will win though. I just hope that if Ms Polly Purebread leaves Michael when the dust settles, she doesn't try to bat her eyes to try and get Chase back from Brook Lynn.
Oh my!! I had thought for years that Willow was somehow Nina's biological daughter. I was so sad when Nell turned out to be her daughter instead. I always figured that somehow Harmony had adopted Willow somehow.
Nina's real daughter is Nelle. They can add Willow to the mix by revealing she's Nina's other daughter & Nelle's twin.
At the rate story lines are going now, PC will be the place for villains to reside. Don't understand why viewers can't get a variety of story lines and not all just doom/gloom, mob, etc.
Don't really believe that Nelle was Nina's daughter, and heaven forbid yet another twin story line.
I guess there are 2 new Carlys on GH i am glad i record the soap cause when they show them 2 kids i fast forward on them n even Carly n i hope Willow wins this
Nelle doesn't belong to anyone but her nasty as Daddy. She isn't related to Nina although she certainly could be as they are both BANANAS!
Nina couldn't get custody of a cockroach. She has a record and has been in several mental hospitals. Michael too has a record, but he is biologically related to Wiley and is not Banana pants cray cray. Willow may not be cray cray but she too needs psychological help for all she went thru with Shiloh and DOD, etc.
The head writers & the actress who plays Nina have all confirmed Nelle is Nina's daughter in past interviews.
It would make sense for Nelle to be Nina's daughter since it brings tons of drama especially with Carly & Nina hating each other & sharing a grandson. They can add Willow into the mix by revealing she's Nina's other daughter & Nelle's twin.
Katelyn shared a photo of her & Chloe via istagram in late October. Also Chloe made a vague comment about "2022 might be the year of the twinnies" via instagram as well. So I'm thinking Willow will be revealed as Nina's other daughter & Nelle's twin. It will just add to the drama already playing out.
You definitely have a right to your opinions, but I am just tired of all the hate and no good things occurring on GH these days.
I would definitely like to see this. Michael will come to regret allowing Willow to adopt Nelle's son; it would be so awesome if it backfires in his face & bites him on the butt when Willow tries to take his son away from him.
Maybe Willow needs to stop being a doormat, and maybe the author of this article should keep their own bias to themselves.