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The Pikeman Group mystery, who killed Agent John Cates (Adam Harrington) and Lucky Spencer’s (Jonathan Jackson) disappointing return. But in our opinion, none of them were as bad as the one we chose. But please let us know in the comments whether or not you agree or not.
General Hospital Spoilers – Drew Quartermaine Went To Prison To Protect Carly Spencer
Last year, Drew Quartermaine (Cameron Mathison) made a deal to take the blame for the insider Trading scandal that rocked Port Charles.
Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) decided to buy up as many shares of Aurora Media as she could once she overheard Drew and Michael Quartermaine (Chad Duell) discussing plans to merge Aurora with ELQ.
When the merger failed, Carly lost a lot of money. But because she bought the shares with insider information, Carly and Drew were reported anonymously by Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) who wanted revenge on Carly. But although Carly paid a hefty fine, it was Drew who went to prison.
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GH Spoilers – Drew Quartermaine Wasn’t The Same Once He Was Released
Drew just wasn’t the same man after his eventual release. His anger seemed to take over at times. And once he discovered that Nina was responsible for calling the SEC, he directed all his anger toward her.
Since Drew was Nina’s boss at Crimson Magazine, the two of them had several intense meetings that shockingly turned to passion. Although they both said it was “hate sex”, they are still sleeping together to this day.
Drew is also attracted to Nina’s married daughter, Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) and after many months of pursuing her, Drew and Willow have also slept together.
General Hospital Spoilers – Drew Quartermaine Is Sleeping With Both Mother and Daughter!
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The story is problematic on several fronts. None of the main characters act like themselves. Drew was never the type of person to treat people like objects. And that’s what Nina was to him, at least in the beginning.
In addition, no matter how he might have felt about Willow, he never would have acted on those feelings since she was married to his nephew, Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell).
In addition, Willow’s attraction to Drew seemed to come out of nowhere and suddenly began to consume her to the point she just couldn’t stay away from him. While the fallout from this story should be quite juicy, the character assassination it took to get there is unforgivable.
What do you think?
What was the worst storyline on General Hospital in 2024? Do you find the triangle between Drew, Willow and Nina believable? Have both Drew and Willow been acting out of character in order to make this story work?
Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!
Considering she broke herself out of Dawn Of Day and escaped Shiloh, you wouldn’t think she’d be that submissive and give in so easily to hero worship. As for Drew, being nearly killed in prison could change a person, but you would think someone with his background and training could handle something like that without it turning you dark. It’s been a theory that since he got out he has been planning this to get revenge on both Nina and Carly through their children.