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However, this is not the end of Pullos’ punishment as she was immediately ordered to do 200 hours of community service and was placed on 5 years’ probation as well.
General Hospital Spoilers – Haley Pullos Pled No Contest In April
General Hospital Spoilers reveal that Haley appeared in court in April where she pled no contest to driving the wrong way on a freeway in Los Angeles, California. Pullos was not only high but drunk as well when she caused a near fatal car accident.
Pullos also lost her license for a year and must complete a 9-month alcohol program along with mental health treatment.
Judge Terry Smerling handed down this sentence in Pasadena, California. Pullos was also ordered to pay over $8000 in restitution to the injured driver as well.
Pullos was released later that day but only after receiving a stern warning from the just to never drink and drive again adding, ‘God forbid you cause an accident in the future and somebody dies, you will be charged with murder.’
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GH Spoilers- Glad To Be Going Home
When Pullos was released about an hour after her hearing, she exclusively told that she was glad to be going home.
Haley exited the jail wearing a black paper jail release suit and sunglasses while holding a book and a carton of orange juice. Haley eagerly ran into the waiting arms of her parents, Alex and Judy Pullos, crying tears of joy.
Pullos was also greeted by a bearded man who is believed to be one of her brothers holding the family dog. Of course, Pullos’ number one supporter and soapbox writer of wrongs, Nancy Lee Grahn was there as well to greet her former tv daughter.
Grahn has preached on Halley progress and this unjust sentence for months. Haley told her thank you before heading for her parents’ car.
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General Hospital Spoilers – Special Treatment Still Exists
In earlier proceedings that judge had granted Pullos’ request for a two-week trip out of the country in the fall with her parents.
When the accident happened in April 2023, Pullos’ blood alcohol level was .25, more than three times the legal limit. At the time, Pullos pled not guilty to the two DUI charges and an earlier hit and run.
Pullos made a plea deal to plead guilty to one DUI charge with the second and the hit and run charge being dismissed. However, Courtney Wilder, the victim, is now suing the actress in civil court seeking damages for negligence.
Wilder wrote in his declaration that, ‘Haley Pullos acted maliciously and without any regard for the safety of others, as evidenced by her rage when she was pulled from her vehicle by first responders.
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