GH, BB, Y&R, DOOL Spoilers: All Soaps To Be Preempted In The U.S. For Trump Impeachment Hearings

General Hospital, The Bold & The Beautiful, The Young and The Restless, and Days of Our Lives spoilers tease that all daytime dramas will be preempted, in addition to all other daytime programmings on ABC, CBS, NBC as well as PBS to carry the President Donald Trump impeachment hearings live.

AMP in the post

The Impeachment Hearings Will Run Two Days, Wednesday, November 13 And Friday, November 15

The impeachment hearings will start at 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time and will be held on Wednesday, November 13 and Friday, November 15. Days of Our Lives showrunners have announced that they will show the pre-empted episodes on the NBC app, but viewers should also check after 8:00 pm EST. The other networks have not yet announced whether they will push out the episodes of the affected soaps or show them online as well.

Viewers should check for General Hospital and or CBS All Access for The Bold and The Beautiful and The Young and The Restless after 8:00 pm EST as well if no other announcements have been made by Wednesday, November 13. Viewers can also check or Hulu. No announcements have been made regarding viewing of the programs for Canada, only the United States.

This Is The Schedule That Has Been Announced So Far, But There May Be More

At this time, these two days are all that has been announced but it is a possibility that these hearings could continue and if there would be full impeachment proceedings in the future, daytime programming could be interrupted for an extended period of time but nothing like that has been announced so far, only the two days of hearings. This is only an inquiry hearing providing evidence from President Trump’s time in the office of various actions that whistleblowers have brought to the attention of the United States Government entities that are in charge of whether a sitting president should be in the office or if the president should be impeached, or in common terms, fired.

These types of political hearings and procedures, as television viewers know, can last for a long time, as the networks, and especially their news departments, consider this type of news to be far more important than daytime programming and usually they choose the daytime dramas to pre-empt, at the disappointment of daytime television viewers. PBS has chosen gavel to gavel coverage, meaning the entire hearings including breaks with news reporters discussing the hearings in-between times and likely for at least a couple of hours afterward, and it will be the same for the other networks.

AMP in the post

Stay tuned to GH, B & B, Y & R, and DOOL, and check GH, B & B, Y & R spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

General HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH Spoilers
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  • Guest

    The impeachment hearings – they are important to the American people and part of history. I’m a ” non Trumper ” , he is a poor excuse for an American president ….

  • Guest

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I will be voting for Trump this time around since there is no viable candidate for the Libertarian Party. The left imo has gone way off kilter. It has forced me to vote for Trump.

  • Guest

    There probably won’t be anything to watch I’ll watch my show later tomorrow night at 8:00

  • Guest


  • Guest

    Catch up on some pre recorded shows, or clean out closet

  • Guest


  • Guest

    I think this is ridiculous. This is what CNN and MSNBC are for.

  • Guest

    What network? Website? Pray tell.

  • Guest

    make sure that I vote Republican for these cry babies removing my soap

  • Guest


  • Guest

    Nothing, this is a national disgrace. How dare these idiots in the DC bubble interrupt normal programming? No one cares, you morons! I’ll vote against every democrat who was in favor of this absurd clown show! Shame on all of you! You’ll pay on Election Day, I hope it will be worth it!