AMP in the post
General Hospital rumors tease that Billy Miller, who has played Jason Morgan, Jake Doe and most recently Drew Cain on General Hospital, has chosen to walk away from the role. He has been on General Hospital since 2014, starting out as an amnesiac Jason Morgan who turned out to be an amnesiac Drew Cain who was a previously unknown twin of the real Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), thanks to baby swap and baby seller queen Heather Webber, (Robin Mattson) their mother Susan Moore’s (Gail Ramsey) cousin and Franco Baldwin’s (Roger Howarth) mother!
There has been a rash of General Hospital actors lured to The Young and The Restless recently, starting with Michelle Stafford who has stated that she didn’t contact the Y & R showrunners, rather they decided to try to boost their ratings by trying to get back original big names.
Michelle stated she was happy at GH but Y & R talked her into it – after firing Gina Tognoni first so they could get Michelle. Elizabeth Hendrickson, who has been playing District Attorney Margaux Dawson for a year, came next, leaving GH to reprise her Y & R character of Chloe Mitchell, who had been off the Y & R canvas for a while.
If the Y & R showrunners are doing the same with Billy Miller, wanting him back as Billy Abbott, then fans will be hearing of an exit of Jason Thompson, who formerly played Dr. Patrick Drake on General Hospital, leaving the Young and the Restless where he has played Billy Abbott since 2014. It is unknown whether Dr. Drake would re-enter the General Hospital canvas, although they are short neurologists with the exit of Dr. Griffin Munro (Matt Cohen)!
AMP in the post
According to an anonymous poster in Daytime Dish’s insider lounge, there have been recasts discussed, and Mark Lawson had been tested for the role of Drew, although he wound up playing Mark, the online date of Lulu Falconeri (Emme Rylan) in a recent episode of General Hospital.
“sourceRyan” who apparently works for TV Source Magazine, confirmed Billy’s exit yesterday on his Twitter account, citing three reliable unnamed sources, although nothing has been confirmed by either Billy Miller himself, who doesn’t do social media or ABC. Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, developments, and updates!
love billy miller where ever he goes. was hoping drew and jason would become close brothers love me some steve burton also
Im done with GH if Drew leaves
Drew please don’t go. The writers need to come up with a new storyline keeping you and Kim together that is what Oscar would want.
He has a Night Time Show ?? That He is doing??Can’t wait to see It? GOOD LUCK ? BILLY?
Too bad that the writers couldn’t keep Billy Miller on the GH canvas more. There is plenty of room for Drew AND Jason. I hope that this is just a rumor. I love Jason, but Drew deserved better, especially since he took over when Jason was gone. GH doesn’t know how to keep it’s valuable actors. Look how many have left, just for lack of air time. But along comes Nelle and Ryan, and their air time is unlimited. GET NEW WRITERS, BEFORE THERE IS NO SHOW TO WRITE FOR!!
Didn’t they Just let go of the head writer. Of GH?
Yes I heard that also I have said for months now Billy Miller was a great Jason, they brought Steve Burton back and kicked Billy Miller to the curb, he’s hardly ever have air time I have asked the writers to give I’m a new love interest they want do that either, I even suggested Britt as his new love, a step up from Sam. If Billy leaves, I’m done with GH for good there will be no coming back. It’s the same thing with my friends who are fans.
Hell yes, more then he realizes
Love Billy was hoping that he would stay n get some time with his baby with Sam…also what does Kelly think of his leaving GH
Yes, most definitely ‼️
drew really love watching you on gh you and Kim need to have another baby
your a excellent actor and the writters need to come up with new story for you!
I want to hear from Billy !!!
Billy please stay we love you GH if you leave a lot of the fans will leave also. Please please please, don’t leave. The writers could give you a new love interest, I have been trying to tell the writers. Please don’t leave please stay !!!
Love Drew on General Hospital; would love to see him and Jason become very close, fighting 2gether and not with each other.
I feel that when Steve came back he put a “I am back and you are out ” sign on Billy’s back. And the Oscar story was just so it did’nt look like that was gonna happen SAD SAD SAD
Hopefully, GH will finally tell us Drew’s connection to Helena and Faison, and explain his role in the memory mapping. Maybe, they will write the story as intended.
I would be sooooo PO if Billy left his role before we get the backstory… GH has been trying to get the soap canceled with Dragging out storylines and letting great actors go…
Yes, I love Billy Miller. I sure wouldn’t blame him for leaving though. GH really crapped on him when they brought back Steve Burton. Feels like they are trying to push him out the door.
The writers gave him 3 lines a week for the past year except for letting him watch Oscar die. Why would he want to stay? He is too good an actor to just be nothing more than wallpaper on GH. The show has become unwatchable.
Please, don’t let this be true, I love Drew. I want to see him get his memories back and find someone he really loves. I like him and Kim together. Can’t they write a good story for them? Like Oscar was a twin and Shiloh took the other one and that’s why he doesn’t want Drew to get his memories back. I just don’t want Billy to go off the show.
Please keep Drew
you know these writers don’t give a f**k about how we feel–instead of all of them from all the soaps doing the same thing but with different names just put all the soaps together and call it” YOUNG DAYS in RESTLESS HOSPITAL ” at least we would get to see what happens and not see the same thing on other soaps–pick a channel and have it for 2 hours —12p – 2pm–lol
General Hospital Billy Miller As Drew Cain Please Stay On General Hospital Billy Miller As Drew Cain. Tamara Braun As Dr. Kim Nero Is Going To Need You More Now Then Ever. Garren Stitt As Oscar Nero Drew Cain And Kim Nero Son Has Passed Away. Drew Cain And Kim Nero Could Get Back Together. They Need Each Other To Get Through The Passing Of Their Son. Billy Miller Please Stay On General Hospital As Drew Cain. There Will Be On One Else That Can Take Your Place. This Does Not Make Any Sense For The Actors To Keep Switching Places.
Dont go, Drew. I want him and Kim back together!
Yes Love this news Billy needs to come home to Y&R they should never of let him leave. Jason Thompson has been a good fill in but he is no Billy Miller! Y&R sign him up now asap dont let him go anywhere else
Please, no, dont let it be true! GH will miss out on some great story opportunities, if they lose Drew. And Franco will have no Male friends. I’m still getting over losing Dante, and Drew is my favorite guy on the show.
I didn’t get that excited about the storyline when he joined cast and he didn’t develop much chemistry with rest of cast. Maybe it’s better to return to Y&R
Totally agree