GH Wild Speculation: Nelle Rises From The Grave To Support Nina When She Is Caught

General Hospital: Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier)General Hospital (GH) spoilers and updates tease Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) may still be alive. Nelle was last seen with Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright). Nelle and Carly had gotten into a fight because Nelle had kidnapped her son Wiley Quartermaine-Corinthos (Eric and Theodore Olson). Nelle had been able to get away from Carly but ended up falling from a cliff. Carly had tried to save Nelle but she fell to her death. Nelle was found on the Pennsylvania side of the river and declared dead. However, Nelle could have found a way to fake her death.

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She had ties with the cult Dawn of Day because she was the widow of their fallen leader Shiloh AKA David Henry Archer (Ryan Coby McLaughlin). She could have gotten his followers to help her to stage her death. Nelle was in trouble with the law at the time of her death. Nelle does not know that she not only has her son Wiley but she has a mother Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) that misses her. Nina found out that she was Nelle’s mother after Nelle’s death. Currently Nina has been keeping a secret that could destroy her life.

General Hospital Spoilers – Nelle Returns To Help Nina Reeves Keep Sonny Corinthos

Nina knows that Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) is alive. Sonny has been declared dead by his loved ones because he fell from a bridge in New Jersey. However, Sonny is living in Nixon Falls, Pennsylvania and has amnesia. Nina went to Nixon Falls to reconnect with her friend Phyllis Caulfield (Joyce Guy) and her husband Lenny Caulfield (Rif Hutton). NIna needed to clear her head because she broke up with Jasper Jacks AKA Jax (Ingo Rademacher) for keeping the secret that Nelle was her daughter. Nina has fallen in love with Sonny during their time together. Nelle would be surprised to find out that Nina is her mother but she would want to see her be the one that is with Sonny.

GH Spoilers – Nelle Benson Helps Nina Reeves To take On Carly Corinthos

Nelle would not want Carly to cause Nina to lose Sonny. Carly and Nelle have a long history of not getting along. Nelle would not want Carly to get Sonny back. She would want to make sure that Nina was the one that Sonny would want to be with. She could find a way to help Nina to keep Sonny even when Sonny remembers who he is. Nelle would find out that Carly did not want Nina to be in Wiley’s life for a time. Nelle would want to get back at Carly for keeping Nina away from Wiley.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Nelle Benson Finds A Way To Get Wiley Quartermaine- Corinthos

Nelle will want to find a way to get custody of Wiley. She tried to get full custody of Wiley but could not. Nina was one of the reasons that Nelle lost custody of Wiley to his father Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Wiley’s adopted mother Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen). Nelle will be upset with Nina but will understand that Nina wanted to keep Wiley safe. Michael and Willow were not sure if Nina should be a part of Wiley’s life. They tried to keep her from Wiley for a time. Nelle will not be happy to find out that Nina could not be a part of Wiley’s life. Michael and Willow may try to keep Nina from Wiley again when they find out that Nina knew that Sonny was alive. Nelle would want to try to get custody of Wiley. She could get custody if Nina helps her.

GH Spoilers – Nelle Benson And Nina Reeves Could Become A Force To Be Reckoned With

General Hopsital Nina and Nelle could form a strong mother and daughter bond. Nina has wanted to have her daughter in her life. Nelle could help to protect Nina when everyone finds out that NIna knew that Sonny was alive. Could Nelle help Nina find a way not to lose everything? Nelle would not want Nina to lose Sonny to Carly if Nina wants to be in a relationship with Sonny.

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Could Nelle help Nina to keep her relationship with Sonny? Nelle wants Carly to pay for helping to keep her from Wiley. Will she find a way to keep Carly from being with Wiley? Nelle will want to have Wiley in her life. Can she find a way for Wiley to be in her and Nina’s life? Nelle could return from the dead and be a good ally for Nina to have. Could Nelle be alive and come to help Nina in her time of need? Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • Guest

    We don’t need to have Nelle to come back it a bad idea. Sonny and Carly belong to each other. Nelle leave her out. Stop bringing dead people out again

  • Guest

    bring nelle back im done with gh.i have been watching since the 60s and will not watch any more if you do this

  • LauLau

    I cannot believe I just read this. LEAVE NELLE DEAD for God’s sake! The writers must have a writer's block and all they can up with is ‘who can we bring back from the dead now?’ Seriously? I swear if I see that character come back, I am so done with GH. The story line with Nina and Sonny is sickening enough!!

  • Guest

    Leave NELLE dead stupid story line. I agree quit brining back dead people. Please come up with new material. I have been watching since it started I agree the Nina storyline is too far fetched. Sunny is from NY no one recognized him come on. Nina had a good life now it’s stupid. Do not bring back the cult. Deal with realty. I quit watching for 2 months and have not missed anything. Is michael ever going to be happy. Writers come on.

  • Guest

    I stopped watching too Sasha 3or 4 months ago and read these “update” in hopes that this pathetic nina garbage will end, but they bring back nelle I’m giving up altogether!! I’ve been watching for almost 40 years and I can honestly say these writers are pits! Absolute worst.

  • lbc

    Definitely hope this spoiler is speculation and not factual in any way. Can't see Nelle/Nina being a force to be reckoned with – just two nut cases running around PC. If Nelle does return, hope she is matured and not be a one dimensional character. Plus, if Nelle returns will she be given a pass go card for slitting Brook Lynn's throat?? Are viewers supposed to forgive and forget probably the worst thing Nelle ever did? If Julian couldn't be forgiven and has stayed dead, so should Nelle if for nothing else but the sanity of viewers and the citizens of PC.

  • Guest

    If this is any way's like a 3 ring circus.

  • Guest

    Enough is enough, let Nelle stay dead, Have Sonny come home before Carly & Jason tie the knot.

  • Betty Stokes

    I have no more comments!

  • Guest

    I do agree with you I will start watching young and the restless

  • Agape Love

    Am done with this writer

  • Guest

    I have been watching general hospital for a very long time the story lines is getting sick to watch sonny belongs with Carly now Nelle coming back from the grave if that happens am turning to the young and restless the writer of general hospital is turning people away Michael needs willow this sonny and Nina needs to come to an end how can Jason and Carly get marry when Jason and sonny goes a long way come on

  • Guest

    They obviously have No Originality or Ingenuity! They keep reliving the past episodes and changing GH history in the interim. Pathetic writing

  • Guest


  • carole318


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