Has General Hospital Gone Too Far With The Sasha Gilmore/Ferncliff Storyline?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest there’s no end in sight when it comes to the Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) storyline that revolves around Ferncliff. The young lady has had quite the go over the years, and while fans know that this is just a “soap opera arc”, it’s been a hard watch for many.
Has the show gone too far this time?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Sasha Gilmore Deserves Some Happiness

GH spoilers suggest that Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs) and Dr. Damon Montague (Darin Toonder), a.k.a. “Dr. Monty”, will likely continue to torment Sasha in the days and weeks ahead.

While Sasha herself has realized that she was “fine” up until Dr. M prescribed her those pills, as he continues to drug her up at the facility and keep her isolated from everyone but Gladys, there’s no hope that anyone can help, anytime soon.

Add in the fact that Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) and Brook Lynn Quartermaine’s (Amanda Setton) “rescue” attempt recently failed, and things look very grim for Sasha and her fans right now.

GH Spoilers – Can The Soap Opera Wrap Things Up?

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This storyline is hard to watch for many reasons. First off, Sasha’s been through heck and back, losing her newborn baby Liam and then the love of her life, Brando Corbin (Johnny Wactor).

Before all this, and after, she struggled with mental health and drug addiction. Can GH writers give this character a break?

On top of all that, she truly went out of her way for her mother-in-law Gladys and watching her manipulate Sasha’s situation is awful.

Add in the shadiness and corruption of Dr. Monty, a therapist who should know better (and do better), and audiences are ready for Ms. Corbin and her gambling doctor friend to meet some sort of wrath.

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Not to mention the scenes of Sasha at Ferncliff and the lack of control she has right on her life right now are heartbreaking.

Can GH wrap up this Sasha storyline, soon? Leave a comment below! Tune into the popular ABC soap daily to see what happens next and visit this site often for the most recent General Hospital news, spoilers, and updates.

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  • Mara

    Yes please give Sasha a break with all the drugging and malicious treatment from her mother in law Gladys ! Sasha is a wonderful person and is being exploited by both Gladys and the evil doctor !

  • Marie

    Yes!! They have taken it way too far. It was bad enough to have her lose her baby, but then her husband, too. I hated that. I had really hoped she’d be pregnant with a second child after Brando’s death and that way she’d still have a part of him with her. I don’t understand why they are being so rough on her. I know she is on maternity leave & having her in Ferncliff will allow for that time. I hope when she gets out, she will be very strong and take down Gladys and the doc!!

  • Ronald

    End this fast Sasha needs to get some happiness she needs to have a good relationship with Cody

  • Patricia Plette

    I have stopped watching GH because of the storyline with Sasha. It’s disgusting t say the least with what is happening to her because she had money and she has been through enough hell. Also, what is this teaching young people watching? Until this storyline is over I will not be watching GH at all and I really do miss it but I do not consider this entertainment!

  • Maryann Soehl

    Yes She has e nough tried of this wrapit up and let them found out that herMother law nd this sicko Dr should go to jail now Cody will give in and tell them the truth please ,Maryann

  • Ruthann Malin

    I definitely think the show has gone too far with Sasha’s storyline. I understand her maternity leave and the writers strike but with mental health so high right now this puts the wrong spin on getting help.
    I hope it ends quickly even if they have to have a substitute actor. Bring Kevin back. Why do they only have one doctor at GH?

  • Cathy Price

    I’m getting so sick of this storyline would they please just wrap it up already and give her a life already hasn’t she lost enough!!!! As for Gladys & Dr. M. I wish they would just kill both of them off already I don’t like either one of them!!!!

  • Dee

    Need to end this horrible story line. With everything going on in the world what idiot would think this is entertaining .

  • Sue

    Please end this storyline with Sasha and INSANE Gladys and horrific doctor! It’s just heartwrenching to see Sasha in this condition. It’s gone on way too long and way too far! Lock up Gladys and Dr. M. soon to never see the light of day again…I can’t wait for that to finally happen!!

  • CTwildheart

    Educating viewers on social and medical issues with a story line is fine.
    This is just torture.
    I love Sofia and Sasha, but I hate this story line. Enough!

  • Mary

    The Sasha saga has gone to far. People with mental health issues will be hesitant to get help. They will think all psychiatric’s will drug them and tie them down. This storyline is giving mental health care a bad name. Gladys and the Dr should be caught soon and placed in prison. Hope it happens soon.

  • Jessica

    This Sasha @ Ferncliff is way too painful to watch. It’s torture. Cant wait for tbe regular writers to come back. At least they had compassion for their characters.

  • B Field

    As someone who has suffered with mental health issues for years, I find the current Sasha storyline offensive. All I can say is SHAME ON YOU!! You have an opportunity to help lessen the stigma of mental illness and instead you have chosen to make a mockery of it.

  • H Nichols

    The storyline with Sasha has gotten out of control. it’s time to end it and get her out of Ferncliff. Mental illness is not a joke. Very disgusted with the storyline.

  • Lisa

    You have GOT to wrap up the Sasha storyline. As someone who’s struggled with mental health myself, today’s episode (September 28) is WAY over the top. You are doing a HORRIBLE disservice to everyone in the mental health community. A unscrupulous psychiatrist is not what we need to watch when so many people are struggling to navigate the mental health system and find proper treatment. This is shameful. Do better.