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General Hospital – Never Needed Peter August
Peter August (Wes Ramsey) was an ill-conceived character from the start — quite literally. Why the show would retcon Anna Devane’s (Finola Hughes) entire past before Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) and give her a child with her deranged longtime stalker, Cesar Faison (Anders Hove) is beyond us and always has been. At least GH realized the error of its ways with Peter’s parentage and we eventually learned it was Anna’s twin sister, Alex, who had the affair with Faison and gave birth to Peter.
But the character could have ended there. Yes, he was now Maxie Jones’ love interest but there was never any chemistry between Kirsten Storms and Wes Ramsey, so there was no reason to keep him around and certainly no reason to make Maxie pregnant with this man’s baby.
Through it all, General Hospital could not decide whether Peter was good, bad, or had shades of grey. When the show finally decided to throw caution to the wind and turn Peter into a sociopathic villain with zero moral compass whatsoever, it didn’t even work — and instead made the character even the more unbearable.
GH Spoilers – Peter August’s Descent Into Cartoon Villainy
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By the end of 2021, all we are left with in Peter August is a hissing, mustache-twirling, cartoon villain who enunciates too much and uses words no normal human uses in normal conversation. And, of course, like actual cartoon villains, he can’t be killed. The number of times Peter averted death in 2021 makes his entire existence all the more ridiculous.
First, Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) and Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) pronounced Peter dead and stuck his body in a freezer after Finn pushed him down the hospital stairs. Of course, Peter was alive. And of course, he survived Anna shooting him in the arm just before he jumped off a cliff. He also survived Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) throwing acid on him. He also survived being shot once again by Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), but somehow it wasn’t a fatal shot. And now he survived being poisoned in prison. What is going on here and why do we have to watch more of it. Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays to see if the show ever takes care of its Peter Problem.
The good part is, we can fastforward through it, they cannot force us to watch.
When Peter first came on the show, he was a good guy, who fell in love with Maxie, and they did have great chemistry together. He was also so great with kids. I hate that gh has turned him into such an evil villain. Even as a villain, Wes Ramsey, turns in great performance, after great performance. He’s an amazing actor, that should have been redeemed, when he was pushed down the steps by Finn. He should have been in a coma, and come out of it with brain damage, not knowing anything that he had done. Instead he should have reverted back into the great guy, that he was , when he first showed up on the show. I believe at this point, he’s obviously not redeemable, and that’s a waste of a great actor. I think he should die, and that gh should bring the actor back as a totally new character, like they did with Michael Easton, and Roger howarth. To lose such a great actor is just rediculous.