What Is Carly’s Current Purpose On General Hospital?

General Hospital spoilers reveal Carly butting her nose in where it doesn’t belong, which is all she has done for quite a while now.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Give Carly Spencer And Fans A Break

Sometimes it is obvious when a soap opera character needs a break and fans need a break from a soap opera character. While General Hospital’s Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) has a strong fan following, she also has a large contingent of fans who want to see less of her — meaning she doesn’t have to be inserted into stories where she doesn’t belong.

Yes, Carly was going in a different direction when all her dreams in life finally came true and she married Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), but the soap had to do an about-face when Steve Burton refused to get the COVID vaccine, defying ABC/Disney’s workplace policy.

Carly was forced to move on with Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) and to say this pairing is a failure is an understatement. The only conflict Carly even has is a ridiculous insider trading plot that only sometimes comes up. The rest of the time, Carly just keeps popping up in other people’s stories.

GH Spoilers – Insists On Inserting Carly Spncer Everywhere

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A month ago, when Carly showed up on that bridge and found Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) alive and well, followed by Drew, that was the last straw for some.

Why should Carly of all people be involved in Vanna’s Ice Princess story on General Hospital, which has been their story for over a year? She has no business being there, but here we are.

Why did Carly carry around a picture of Elizabeth Webber’s (Rebecca Herbst) parents for months when she never had anything to do with the Elizabeth’s Parents story before? To show her as the busybody she is?

The Nurses Ball gave the definitive proof that Carly is not a needed character at this time because the only way for her to have something to do was give her a throwaway scene where she fangirled over musical guest Danielle Ponder.

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Until that moment, we never knew what kind of music Carly liked or if she even liked music at all. It was a strange scene and told us everything. Carly needs to be back-burnered, stat. Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays to see if that ever happens.

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  • Liza

    You have no appreciation of the importance of having a characters that are never gone from the palate. With all the chaos going on for every character Carly is the one consistent force we see watching. So is Olivia but she’s unseen. The families are all torn up at once. Even Monca Quartermaine isn’t more than voice on a phone. At least there is one reminder of how the center will hold and that’s Carly. The writers have got that one right. It’s essential that she is on screen even if you are not team Carly.

  • JP1

    GH has certainly morphed into the Laura Wright show. But look at the alternatives, Willow is a snooze fest, Liz is a bore, Olivia gets old really quick, Maxie is annoying. Nina is always whining. Give us more Liesl, Ava and Anna. Even Diane, we don’t need to see LW every episode. And, please, end the Drew pairing, I can’t even watch them.