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General Hospital’s – Baby Tale Goes Wrong
Babies and children drying on soaps is not a new thing, but it is always heartbreaking. We watched Days of Our Lives’ Marlena Evans (Deidre Hall) lose her son, DJ to SIDS back in 1980, and Hope (Kristian Alfonso) and Bo (Peter Reckell) lose their son, Zack, when he was hit by a car. On All My Children, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) — when she lived in Pine Valley — lost her daughter, Leora. Even General Hospital did a placental abruption storyline with Sam’s (Kelly Monaco) baby, Lila, back in 2005.
But nothing can prepare us for such a thing and it always seems senseless. But nothing seems more senseless than what General Hospital just did to Sasha (Sofia Mattsson), Brando (Johnny Wactor), and their baby.
GH Spoilers – Sasha Gilmore And Brando Corbin’s Baby Won’t Make It
After a one-night stand in the back seat of a car, Sasha Gilmore found herself pregnant with Brando Corbin’s baby and the pair decided they would co-parent together while they clearly fell in love during her pregnancy. And that pregnancy was practically idyllic for soap standards, which is why we should have known something like this should happen.
AMP in the post
Yes, Sofia Mattsson was pregnant so General Hospital decided to write her pregnancy into the show, although it didn’t have to, considering that at that point, Sasha was not a front-burner player and her pregnancy could have been hidden. But clearly, the writers saw this pregnancy as a way to create drama for the character. We just didn’t think the drama would come nine months later.
When Sasha’s baby did not die at birth, it gave us hope that the show would not do what it is doing, but that was not meant to be. Poor Sofia Mattsson, a new mom herself, now has to play scenes where her character grieves the loss of her newborn son — at Christmas, no less.
GH fans have been praying for a character to die and his name is Peter August (Wes Ramsey). Killing a baby in such a cruel and sad way was not what fans were asking for. Bah-humbug, GH? Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays as Brando and Sasha rip our hearts out.
AMP in the post
I think it's shameful. Why invest in the couple and then kill their baby. I realize these things do happen in real life, but I watch GH to escape the harsh realities of life. Stone's death from HIV was a statement. There was no reason for this.
This show has become unwatchable. There's romance or joy anywhere. The world is a depressing enough place already. Soaps are supposed to offer escapism, not depression.
it is going to be about donating organs
I must agree that the show has become unwatchable. The romance/joy disappears. I was asking the same thing that Dikal wrote. The GH going to need a miracle to get the viewers to decide to stop or better DVR the show.
Just get rid of Peter and Esme for good Shasta and Brando need to keep there baby alive. No need to get of good people . Stop this ridiculous nauseating this innocent baby is so wrong Liam has to live. Liz should do something get of Peter
This show is starting to be a snooze fest. History is being re-written and people are getting away with murder. Peter should have been arrested ages ago. Its getting boring and I am a 2nd generation watcher.
Am I the only one that thinks the romance between Finn and Liz is juvenile at best. They are grown adults and I would love to see their relationship reflect that instead of the swoonings of 6th graders, "Ooooh she/he kissed me…"
Don't care who gets rid of Peter but please do it SOON! He should have been gone long ago; and why did you let Liam be born alive (with help) only to have him die cause there is no hope? Writers, have you EVER read a fan comment?
This used to be my escape hour; now it's a should I or should I not watch today?
Have been waiting for Sonny to tell Carly everything for a long time; is that ever going to happen?
How's about getting Maxie and her baby back together; BrookLyn is a mess; think I remember her having Maxie sign some papers re Bailey's adoption.
Nice to see Kristina back. What's Alexis going to be up to? She needs a new profession. Olivia and Ned are good together; if Olivia can get off her high horse (she's not perfect) and do something to bring them back together.
Willow…no more whining; sick of the sad face; nice that you have Michael and Wiley but are you going to be able to keep them? And calling BL names is like the pot calling the kettle black. Do you remember the things you did? Or were they conveniently forgotten?
I don't watch scenes that show parents losing their child to death. Just like I didn't want to watch when Mike died from Dementia. I stop watching until all the sorrow and agony is over. I like to watch soaps because it's a suspension from all the craziness that goes on in real like. I don't want to watch parents on a soap grieving their child, I don't want to watch a family torn up emotionally as they watch their love one die from a neurological disease like Dementia. General Hospital can do as they please but I don't have to watch until they are finished.
Sick of babies not making it! General Hospital has been one of my favorites for 50 years. Liam didn’t make due to Esme! She should be in jail!!
I hate that they are killing the baby, I would love a Christmas miracle with Sasha baby.
I think the writers better listen what the fans are saying, better yet , the Producers
I am not happy with baby Liam being born only to die. There is enough sadness in the world. Can't we ever have a happy ending on GH? There has been a lot of deaths and sadness lately. I would love it if baby Liam can have a Christmas miracle and show signs of brain activity. That would make my Christmas!
I quit after firing Steve
Its Soooo boring with Peter
Someone needs to checking out these sites.
Yes, it is due to Esme. They must make sure they meet their quota of bad guys on the show, That, would be half of GH.
GH Needs a Christmas Miracle..What better way.
He could have been a miracle baby. To celebrate Christmas.
Killing a baby is awful and a huge mistake. I really hope they don't make it worse.
Such BS! I am tired of the GH killing off everyone now a baby! Should have had a Christmas miracle and let the baby live! Tired of this show killing off all the good and keeping Peter alive is bunch of BS! We got enough crazy’s on the show let see some loving couples and not all this other BS!
Please don't let it be to Peter. For God's sake this is bad enough, killing a baby and at Christmas time, a no no. Peter needs to die so I really hope this is not to keep him alive.
The poor little baby was deprived of oxygen for so long I wouldn’t think his organs would be viable.
Poor little Liam.
And I want Esme to be discovered as responsible for Sasha being trapped in that storage room.
That nasty little b**** needs to be charged with a crime. Her actions were a direct cause of the little baby’s oxygen problems!
Esme is up to and just plain no good, not to mention there's a weird connection to Ryan (maybe a granddaughter)? She needs to get caught and be held responsible for what's happening to Liam too!!! She is toxic and she's working her way up into becoming another Nelle. I hated that character too!!! Lol