AMP in the post
In the episode, Duke told a disbelieving Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) that he felt he had to save Sonny Corinthos’ (Maurice Benard) bacon over choosing to be with her because he owed the Dimpled Don a solid.
Duke may not have the best judgment in love but he does have scruples! Anna would no doubt love for the hunk to come back to her even though he’s dead!
Let’s face it dead does not mean dead in Port Charles it just means dead for now 🙂 So there is absolutely no reason why Duke could not come back to Port Charles.
Here is why General Hospital Duke Lavery needs to come back to Anna Devane.
Duke Lavery Needs To Return To Anna DeVane & Save Her From Hamilton Finn
AMP in the post
Right now Anna is committed to Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) a man who does not deserve her. He ratted her out and she still has yet to find this out about him. When she does find out that he spilled confidential info about her sleazy son Peter August (Wes Ramsey) she will need a friend and a lover. Finn betrayed Anna because he was concerned about the time Peter was spending with his young daughter. That’s no excuse—Duke would have made sure Peter was taken care of and still had Anna to boot.
Duke Lavery Needs To Return To Get Anna DeVane’s Life Back On Track
Anna was once a kick-arse kind of woman, a WSB operative who risked life and limb to get the job done. We need her bad arse back because right now fans are pretty much seeing Anna sip tea and throw kids parties. This is no way to treat a fierce female character! If Duke came back, with his background he and Anna could start a detective agency at the very least, and put those ginormous talents of hers to good use!
Duke Lavery Needs To Come Back To Put Peter August In His Place
AMP in the post
Whereas Finn felt Peter was a threat and lectured Anna about how bad he was, Duke would never try to tell Anna how to live her life. He would warn Peter not to hurt Anna ever again or he’d have to answer to him—and that would make Peter reform!
Bring back Duke Lavery—Anna needs a real man who lets her be who she is!
So stay tuned! We’ll keep you posted as other GH news comes in. Stick with the ABC soap and don’t forget to check back often for the latest General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.
Yes want to see Duke back on gh he is miss
So agree!
I think that it would be great to get Duke back. I could see Anna and Duke getting back together. I rather like the idea that they might set up a detective agency. They could get Sam and Curtis to come in with them as partners. Duke understood Anna. Duke is also complex and has been on both sides of the law. I believe that Duke would understand Peter as well. They both are complex men who have been on both sides of the law. I rather like the idea that Duke would take Peter under his wing and become his mentor. I believe that Duke would accept Peter. I mean both Duke and Peter also have found love with interesting women that make them want to do better.
No better let it alone.
Didn’t even read the article as to why writers here feel Duke should return to GH. Even though I like both the Anna/Finn characters, don’t care for them as a pairing. Too many life style differences to really make it work. Finn fit much better with Hayden than Anna in my opinion. Finn/Anna are great as friends. Anna’s pairing with Duke worked as well as her pairing with Robert. Hayden needs to be brought back due to Violet, being without a mother. Both Duke and Hayden re-entering canvas would add to stories to be told.
Yes please bring Duke back I truly miss him and Anna together what a pair they made
Would absolutely LOVE for Duke to return and reunite with Anna! They were one of the hottest pairings ever in soaps. NEVER did a man do so much for a skirt!! Their dark, smoldering looks just mesh perfectly, and both characters were strong willed and independent, yet totally devoted to each other! Hot, hot, HOT!!