AMP in the post
General Hospital Spoilers – An Ill-Conceived Baby Switch
It was never easy to watch Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) parade around town with a giant fake pregnancy belly, fooling poor Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and her entire family into thinking there was a new baby in their life to love. And it was hard to even sympathize with a pregnant Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) being afraid of her baby’s father, Peter August (Wes Ramsey), when everyone warned her to never even be with the man.
When Maxie just handed her baby to live with Brook Lynn until the authorities could catch the elusive sociopath who will never die named Peter, we felt bad for her. But, she didn’t seem to feel so bad for herself and never even seemed like a woman with a missing newborn. Watching Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth) bond with the baby as a grandchild and Valentin bond with a new daughter only made us angry.
First, Brook’s entire plan was to trick Valentin into giving back ELQ shares and she just stumbled upon the fact that Maxie needed someone to take her baby, but why did Maxie need someone to take her baby?
AMP in the post
GH Spoilers – Did Maxie Jones Really Have To Give Up Louise?
Why did Maxie have to come up with this elaborate lie to protect her child? Isn’t her stepfather a cop? Isn’t her real father the head of the WSB? She couldn’t have turned to Mac Scorpio (John J. York) or Frisco Jones (Jack Wagner) to help her out? She couldn’t let others in on the plan in order to hurt the least number of your Port Charles pals?
We even have to watch Brook Lynn out and out lie to Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) when they are supposed to have a special friendship that could develop into something more. How will this ridiculous story where neither woman is sympathetic not get in the way of Chase and Brook one day having a real romance. He may be onto her lies now, but the damage may have already been done. Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays to see if this story ever ends.
Yes. Will it ever end…or will the Nina/Carly/Sonny ever end with fans actually liking what happens?
Good Lord Yes I'm bored! All I can say is thank God for my fast forward button. This story has been stupid since the inception. I've never been a Maxie or BrookLynn fan but I really dispise them now. And my heart breaks just thinking about the hurt and anguish Valentine as going to have when he finds out Bailey isn't his daughter.
Yes. I am sick of this story. There is no sympathy in me for Brooke or Maxie. You'd think Maxie would have learned a lesson when she lied to Lulu by not telling her that the baby she was carrying was her and Spinelli's child, and that the baby she was a surrogate for had died due to a miscarriage. That lie ruined so many friendships. Some people never learn. The only good thing to come out of this reveal is that wicked witch Gladys won't have anyone to blackmail for 5 minutes.