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So make sure to tune in tonight between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Good Witch recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!
Tonight’s Good Witch Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
Cassie is baking at 3 a.m., excited her daughter Grace is coming home. The next morning, Joy finds Cassie in Grace’s room. She still hasn’t slept. Abigail arrives. Joy thinks she knows what the symbol is and it has something to do with protection. The ladies head to the cafe. The reminiscence to when Cassie had Grace’s baby shower. Martha wants to throw Claire a baby shower just like that. They all plan to attend. Abigail reveals a company wants to buy her shop. Just then, Cassie gets a text. Grace isn’t coming. She received an opportunity to go to Italy.
Abby arrives to find Donovan with his brother. They appear to be getting along. Stephanie gets run into by a man, dropping her books on campus. At Martha’s, Tom hits his knee and refuses to go to the doctors. He finally shares that he hasn’t been to the doctors in 30 years. He hates doctors.
Abby brings Cassie flowers at her shop and shares that she has recently an offer she cannot receive. She sold her shop. Meanwhile, Adam visits a small church no longer used and finds George there. George shares that her married there and has been cleaning it ever since. But that will end as they plan to tear it down.
At the Inn, Sam comforts Cassie while Abby tells Donovan about selling. Daniel takes a shot of them kissing after she shares she plans to buy her own agency. Daniel is helping Donovan with his social media. Donovan doesn’t want that posted.
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Martha tells Sam about Tom. Sam offers to help. At the cafe, Stephanie tells Joy about the guy she ran into as they renovate her bedroom. After trying to demo a wall with a sledge hammer, Joy reaches her arm in and gets her bracelet stuck on something. Stephanie is forced to call the fire department.
Abby sees that Daniel posted the photo she and Donovan wanted to keep private. A female firefighter helps Joy get her arm free. In class, Stephanie sees the man that ran into her is her classmate.
Abby goes to see Donovan. He plans to talk to his brother. At the Inn, Adam tells George he wants to save the church by getting it declared a historical landmark. At Martha’s, Cassie shows Martha and Claire how to do yoga. She recalls doing yoga with Grace as a kid. She sees she missed a call from her, making her sad.
Stephanie challenges the new man she met as he teaches a lesson about creme brûlée. She will make his suggested recipe and her own. The class can decide what taste better.
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Sam meets with Tom to explain why he should see a doctor. Tom isn’t budging. Meanwhile, George and Adam tell Martha about the church. Recalling her baby shower, Cassie remembers going into labor at her shower. The same is happening to Claire. Suddenly a tree falls, blocking all of their cars. Luckily, Sam is there. Dylan arrives just in time.
At the cafe, Joy tells Stephanie the class recipe is better. Stephanie heads to see her teacher. There is a spark between them. Later, Claire and Dylan have their baby. They share they are moving to Middleton. Tom and Martha are thrilled.
Joy runs into the firefighter. She offers to put her sink in for her. Meanwhile, Abby learns her offer for the flower shop has been rescinded. So much for her ad agency. At the Inn, Cassie and Sam watch a baby video of Grace. She calls just then. Cassie is thrilled as they Facetime.