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So make sure to tune in tonight between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Good Witch recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!
Tonight’s Good Witch Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
In tonight’s Good Witch episode, Joy wakes from a nightmare. She sees her dad giving her a shell before leaving her. In the morning she tells Cassie and Abby. They think she needs to find her dad to learn more about why he left and why her mother was worried about him.
George and Adam plot over the church. They could use Cassie’s help and maybe adding Sam would help him since he has been upset over his shoulder injury. They could add Abbya nd Donovan too. Meanwhile, Joy continues to renovate for Stephanie. Joy gets a text from her love interest.
Abby and Donovan talk and share toast to their next business adventure. Stephanie visits Martha. She brings food as a bribe for a parking ticket. At the inn, Joy comes in to hear Abby and Cassie talking. They have found her dad.
Sam meets up with George, Adam and Donovan at the local lodge. He tells them he doesn’t need cheering up. They aren’t taking no for an answer. George shares that he has also signed them up to be members. They are now pledges!
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Cassie talks to Joy alone later that night. She doesn’t have to go with her to meet her dad. The next morning, Abby and Cassie meet with Joy. They are all headed to meet her dad. They get to talking about Abby’s ad agency. Joy pulls out the stones and dumps them on the counter. They all end up face up but one is missing. Meanwhile, Martha wakes up screaming as she feels a rose bush in her bed.
Martha heads to the cafe to accuse Stephanie who is talking with Adam, telling him she has a date with her French teacher. Martha knows this is over the parking ticket.
Cassie, Abby and Joy arrive at the hotel where they are staying in search of her dad. She swears everywhere she looks she sees him. She accuses the concierge of being her dad. He plays coy, telling her he is sorry but he doesn’t have kids.
Sam and George find Martha in town, undercover with a hat and sunglasses. She is looking out for Stephanie. At the lodge, George puts the pledges through their chores.
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In the hotel room, the girls talk about Joy seeing her dad everywhere and their own gut feelings about things that have happened in their life.
Martha stays at the inn as she doesn’t know who is after her. In the morning, she and George find her name written backwards in red on the refrigerator. Meanwhile, Abby talks to Joy’s dad and he shares he lost all of his memories 27 years ago.
Stephanie’s is surprised by her date when he tells her he is cooking for her at her house. George and the guys return to the lodge for some more pledge antics. Sam, Adam and Donovan are challenged and must eat hot peppers.
Joy’s dad finally remembers everything after touching the missing stone he finds in his pocket. He left to protect her. She shares that her mom died when she was just 16 in a car crash. She wants to know why he never came to find her.
Stephanie and her French teacher end up playing video games while eating. The ladies head out with Joy’s father in search of an amulet.
During their pledge tasks, George gets into a bit of a tiff with anther member. They get over it quickly as Sam tells them making up right away doesn’t always happen. Adam looks uncertain as they have been having a tough time with their own friendship. Another member at the club has a beef with Adam. They used to go to school together. Adam made fun of him back then. He wants a chess rematch.
Martha decides to stay at City Hall in her office for the night. Security says she will be safe. George and the guys sit and talk after. Adam and Sam finally talk and make up. Joy and her father also talk. He is sorry he missed so much. Cassie has her own regrets about the night she ignored her gut and her parents died. Abby consoles her.
The next day, Stephanie’s love interest pays her a visit. They make plans for another date. Meanwhile, the ladies return home without finding the amulet. Cassie spends some much needed time with Sam.
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