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A Chance Meeting
Hallmark Channel news confirms that Noah (McNally) runs a B&B in Canada, but has dreams of becoming a tour guide. He ends up meeting a guest that will change his life. Her name is Kate (Lilley) and she’s a journalist who never leaves her comfort zone, which is Manhattan. In fact, she is so terrified of going out of her “home base” that she even resists going to Brooklyn! The only reason she is in Canada right now is that she is chasing her dream story… interviewing the author of her favorite book, “The Answer.”. Noah and Kate start getting to know each other, but the two don’t get along at first.
Hallmark Channel News: Rough Start
The press release from Crown Media teases that “Snowkissed” will show Noah and Kate clashing. Kate is passionate about “The Answer” and shares her perspective with Noah. However, he disagrees with the self-help book’s theories on happiness. Eventually, they smooth things over and really start to have some deep discussions. Noah even has a theory on Kate.
‘The Answer’ Is An Excuse
Hallmark Channel news states that Kate won’t want to admit that Noah might be right. He is convinced that she is using “The Answer” to avoid taking risks. It keeps her safely tucked in her comfort zone, but she is missing out on a lot of adventures and happiness by doing so.
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‘Snowkissed’: Tour Guide Dreams
The Hallmark movie won’t just be about Noah helping Kate. It goes both ways and there is something that the B&B owner struggles with. He dreams of becoming a tour guide but doesn’t have the personality for it. He is charming, but awkward and isn’t good at public speaking. To make his dream come true, he needs to impress potential investors. This is where Kate steps in to give him some lessons and guidance. While helping Noah, Kate begins to realize that new adventures aren’t so scary. In fact, she is having a lot of fun!
At the end of the movie, Kate will need to make a decision. Go back to her comfort zone in New York or take a risk and follow her heart to Canada?
‘When Calls The Heart’: Chris McNally On Instagram
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Hearties will recognize McNally as Lucas Bouchard on Hallmark Channel’s TV show, “When Calls the Heart.” He is currently trying to win Elizabeth Thornton’s (Erin Krakow) heart. However, he must compete with another suitor, Nathan Grant (Kevin McGarry).
McNally recently shared his excitement about “Snowkissed” with fans on Instagram. The Hallmark movie was filmed on Lake Louise, but the actor shared that they also shot scenes in Winnipeg and Banff. You can check out Chris McNally and Jen Lilley in “Snowkissed.” It will premiere on the Hallmark Channel on Sunday, January 30 at 9 pm. ET.
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