The Good Witch Spoilers & Recap 05/10/20: Season 6 Episode 2 “The Chili”

The Good Witch Spoilers & Recap 05/10/20: Season 6 Episode 2 "The Chili"Tonight on Hallmark their popular show The Good Witch premiere with an all-new Sunday, May 10, 2020 episode and we have your The Good Witch recap below for you. On tonight’s The Good Witch season 6 episode 2 “The Chili,” as per the Hallmark synopsis “Cassie helps Joy mark her mother’s birthday by planting a tree and discovers a time capsule that Grace buried years ago.

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Sam competes against Middleton favorites in a chili cook-off. Stars Catherine Bell and James Denton.

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our The Good Witch recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

Tonight’s The Good Witch Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Cassie brings tea to Joy after she wakes. Cassie senses she had a bad dream. She shares that she did. She was trapped in a tunnel. Cassie believes dreams say a lot.

George is making chili for competition in the kitchen. Abigail and Cassie are laughing at how competent he is being. Sam comes into the kitchen. He too is entering the contest. Joy arrives at breakfast looking frazzled. She shares that it is her mother’s birthday today.

Martha is at the cafe. She wants to know when Stephanie is going to name a sandwich after her. Abigail and Cassie arrive. Stephanie is on the phone trying to win a concert ticket to Stevie Nicks. Abigail shares she is already going. Donovan got them tickets.

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Abigail welcomes her father and his girlfriend Josie to the Inn. She thinks it went well meeting Josie, she tells Cassie. Meanwhile, Sam realizes his star ingredient for his chili will not be arriving.

Martha and Tom get into a dispute over the footbridge. She promised she would deal with it when she became mayor again. Now he is going to take matters into his own hands and run for mayor.

Stephanie and her boyfriend are each cooking their chili in the cafe kitchen. She cheats and tests his. It looks like he may have made a mistake between sugar and salt.

Cassie and Joy work in the garden while Sam heads to ask Martha if he can check out the legendary spice closet. Cassie tells Joy about a family time capsule she buried with the girls. Joy seems very interested.

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Stephanie and her boyfriend sit and talk. Her friend’s daughter Presley was helping her in the kitchen when she saw an old friend in the cafe. They are no longer friends after getting into a fight. Stephanie wanted to cheer her up so she made her a milkshake. She doesn’t think that did the trick though. She needs to talk to Cassie.

Martha arrives at the cafe to see Tom’s sign for mayor in the window. On a mission to do Martha a favor in return for ingredients, Sam runs around town trying to secure something for Martha.

Stephanie visits Cassie to talk about Presley and leaves with an idea. Meanwhile, Abigail and Donovan have a meal with her dad and Josie. The subject of their curse comes up as well as Arthur’s prison time. Josie had no idea.

Joy snoops around while no one is looking. Cassie comes into the room and wonders who touched the time capsule.

Abigail and her dad talk. Josie isn’t talking to him. Abigail doesn’t know why he wasn’t honest. Sam reports back to Martha that Tinsdale toast is on the menu at the cafe.

Stephanie and Presley talk. Stephanie shares a fight with a friend when she was a kid. Meanwhile, Joy sees George in the kitchen cooking his chili. He senses she needs to talk. She asks if he can develop a roll of film for her. He tells her he is busy with his chili. She agrees to stir it while he develops the film.

Martha visits Cassie. She feels like no one listens to her. Cassie thinks maybe she needs to walk the bridge for perspective.

Abigail asks Donovan if he has secrets from her. The way he answers makes her suspicious. Back at the Inn, Cassie and Joy look over the photos George developed. They are vacation photos, all black and white. Cassie finds one of her parents and her.

Martha finds Tom on the bridge with a surveyor. She is angry. He tells her they need to think this through together. She shares that they used to walk the bridge together and that’s why she doesn’t want to change it.

George tries a few other tricks to see what else they can find in the photos in the darkroom. Out in the garden, Joy helps Sam find just what he needs for his chili.

Abigail and Cassie arrive at the cook-out. They forgot the cornbread. Abigail heads back for it. Stephanie catches up with Cassie. It looks like Presley and her friend are okay now. Back at the house, Arthur tells Abby he is sorry about his dishonesty. He wants to marry Josie, who comes in the room surprised and happy. All she wanted was honesty. He proposes and she says yes.

It looks like Martha has made a deal that will make her and Tom both happy. Tom gives her his endorsement and his vote. They hug.

It looks like there is a winner for the chili cook-off. George is shocked he won after trying for 10 years. He thanks Joy for the help. Donovan and Abigail make up after he shares that he will always be honest.

George, Cassie, and Joy check the photos they have been developing. The photo reveals Cassie with her cousin who Joy shares is her mother. Cassie welcomes her to the family.


HallmarkHallmark The Good WitchThe Good WitchThe Good Witch Season 6The Good Witch Season 6 Episode 2 Recap 5/10/20The Good Witch Season 6 PremiereThe Good Witch Season 6 Premiere Recap
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