When Calls The Heart Premiere Recap 02/24/20: Season 7 Episode 1 “A Moving Picture”

When Calls The Heart Premiere Recap 02/24/20: Season 7 Episode 1 "A Moving Picture"Tonight on the Hallmark Chanel When Calls The Heart airs with an all-new Sunday, February 23, 2020, season 7 episode 1 and we have your When Calls The Heart recap below. On tonight’s  WCTH season 7 episode 1 called, “A Moving Picture” as per the Hallmark Channel synopsis, “The story of Hope Valley and Elizabeth Thornton continues.

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So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our When Calls The Heart recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s When Calls The Heart recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Elizabeth sees Nathan in town. She calls out to him to talk to him about Allie. Lucas interrupts with news of the library opening. The three of them stand awkwardly without much to talk about.

Getting ready for their trip to California, Rosemary shows Lee all of her ideas so that they can be fashion-forward when they arrive. He thinks all of it is lovely but is taken aback by her plans for his swimsuit.

Lucas arrives at the school with some books for Liz. She is impressed. He shares that his mother is an editor and that is why he has such a collection. Liz shares that she wants trying to publish a book but was turned down. Lucas wants to help her. She tells him she’ll think about it.

Carson gets a call. It is Faith, she has a surprise for him. She tells him to turn around and he does. She is back!

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Henry is paid a visit by a woman who would like to write about his life story, his success and then fall from grace due to misappropriation of funds. He does not want to bring the story back to the surface even if it’s for a magazine but agrees to the story.

The magazine writer pays her first visit to Bill to get the scoop on Henry. Meanwhile, Elizabeth finds the novel she wrote that was turned down for publishing.

Later, Bill and Henry play cards. Bill tells him how he spoke to the reporter. Elizabeth brings her book to Lucas. She wants him to give her his absolute honest opinion. Meanwhile, faith tells Carson about a job offer. Rosemary picks up a package for her trip to Los Angeles.

The magazine reporter pays a visit to Lucas next to add to her story on Henry. Lee gets a call from a man who is supposed to come to talk to him about his business. Mr. Simmons can’t be there until next week when Lee is supposed to be in Los Angeles with Rosemary. We head home to tell Rosemary that they’re still going to go. She does not want him to do that it is important to him. They agree to cancel their trip.

Lucas peas Elizabeth and visit about her book. He thinks she is a good writer but could be great if she digs a little deeper. She thanks him for his critique.

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Lee runs into Bill in town who is wearing a suit. Lee asked him what the suit is about and Bill pretends that he wears a suit from time to time. Lee explains that he isn’t taking his trip after all. Bill asks about Rosemary‘s reaction but is quickly running away from Lee to track down the magazine reporter he sees a couple of feet away.

That night, Elizabeth works on revisions to her novel. The magazine reporter makes a call to her office. She isn’t happy because she’s not making a deadline. Everybody is being tightlipped about Henry. She talks to Fiona a little bit interested in how Fiona fixes phones in the town.

Nathan and Elizabeth run into one another again in town. He wants to ask you something but changes his mind last minute. After, Elizabeth dodges Lucas to go and speak with two women. She has to see Rosemary. The to chat about Rosemary missing out on Los Angeles well Elizabeth feels awkward about digging deeper with her writing. It seems uncomfortable to share personal information. Rosemary tells her to proceed with caution.

The magazine article they’ve all been waiting for comes out but it is a story on Henry rather a story about Fiona. Elizabeth sees Henry in town he’s a little disappointed but he really didn’t want to delve into his past for the article. Elizabeth points out that the magazine reporter interviewed a bunch of people in town and nobody said a bad word about Henry’s past.

Playing near the river, Nathan comes to see Elizabeth. He sees her novel of her and talks to her about how he didn’t know she was a writer. She tells him she is not and needs to dig deeper. He smiles telling her that he is sure she will do that when she’s ready.

Lee brings Rosemary to the saloon for what is supposed to be a surprise happy anniversary party. Rosemary of course figures this out and on her way practices different looks of surprise.

After all, watching a movie together, Elizabeth thinks Lucas for giving me the push she needs. Rosemary thanks Lee for a great anniversary while Carson tells Faith that he loves her and wants her to take the job as long as he is still included in her life. They can pull off a long-distance relationship.


WCTHWCTH Season 7 PremiereWhen Calls the HeartWhen Calls The Heart PremiereWhen Calls The Heart Season 7 PremiereWhen Calls The Heart Season 7 Premiere 02/23/20
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