When Calls The Heart Recap 03/07/21: Season 8 Episode 3 “From the Ashes”

When Calls The Heart Recap 03/07/21: Season 8 Episode 3 "From the Ashes"Tonight on the Hallmark Chanel When Calls The Heart airs with an all-new Sunday, March 7, 2021, season 8 episode 3 and we have your When Calls The Heart recap below. On tonight’s  WCTH season 8 episode 3 called, “Honestly, Elizabeth” as per the Hallmark Channel synopsis, “A geyser erupts at the oil rig and everyone in Hope Valley drops everything to help. Nathan is summoned for an inquiry by a Mountie from his past and Jesse takes a liking to driving Lee’s motorcycle.

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So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our When Calls The Heart recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s When Calls The Heart recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s When Calls The Heart episode, Rosemary explains to Elizabeth about these new pants for women she has brought to the dress shop. She needs to try and change fashion. Rosemary asks Elizabeth about seeing Nathan since he told her he loves her. Elizabeth hasn’t seen him or Lucas. Lucas arrives suddenly. Elizabeth makes a quick getaway as she still is still holding on to his mother’s secret.

Bill speaks to Nathan. He is working on Allie’s adoption. He also shares that someone is interested in the land. Nathan is fine, he is no longer looking to build. A Mountie Nathan knows arrives in town. He tells Nathan a reinvestigation into last year’s shooting will be conducted, telling Nathan his career is on the line.

Molly is in town wondering if she should buy something for Bill’s birthday. Meanwhile, Lee has to ask Jesse for help delivering chairs to his house as his back is still not right. Lucas gets his haircut at Fiona’s shop. He tips her well. Faith arrives. She and Fiona talk.

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While delivering the chairs, Jesse sees Lee’s motorcycle and takes it for a ride into town. He sees Rosemary and Clara. Rosemary tells him to get off of it and if he must drive it to Lee he better tell him to sell it.

Elizabeth works on her book with Lucas’ mom. They talk about her impending divorce and how Lucas needs to know. Elizabeth sees Nathan talking wildly to Bill. Lucas’ mom asks about Nathan and if he is a suitor. She also wants to know about her feelings for Lucas. Elizabeth wants to get back to work.

Henry apologizes to Florence and Ned for accusing them of opening his mail. They accept his apology. Jesse tries to get Clara to let him buy Lee’s motorcycle. Bill tells Nathan the Mounties can reopen the shooting investigation.

At the oil operation, Lucas thinks about shutting it all down and then sudden oil erupts from the ground before an explosion occurs. Alarms sound. The town rushes to help. Nathan rides in and helps Lucas off the ground. Henry arrives to help instruct them. They pull together a wagon and add some dynamite. Fiona shows up to help. They all wheel it to the hole and push it in. It works, stopping the fire. They all cheer.

Lucas sees his mother at the cafe. She tells him he is all she has left. He tells her not to be dramatic. He tried to call his father but no answer. Helen plays coy.

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Florence tries to help Ned in the store after explosion. He tells her he is fine. She heard he was gallant. They share a moment. Meanwhile, Lucas asks Henry to come back to work. He says he will think about it.

Rosemary and Lee argue about where to put the chairs in their home. Lee heads to work and finds Jesse riding the motorcycle. Jesse wants to buy it. Lee wonders what Clara thinks.

At the doctors, Faith diagnoses Ned with a sprain. Carson comes in and looks him over. They differ in their opinion. Faith gets annoyed. Back at home, Rosemary sits in Lee’s chair. It breaks. Elizabeth and Bill talk. He tells her about Nathan’s investigation. Lucas comes out of nowhere. He is mad she knew about his parent’s divorce and didn’t tell him.

Faith and Clara vent to one another about Carson and Jesse. They are both angry and head to eat chocolate cake at the cafe. Rosemary tells Lee about his chair when he arrives home. Lee tells her it is okay. He shares why he loved the chair. His grandfather used to make chairs like the one he had and he isn’t good at things like that. He only sells wood. She hugs him.

Bill runs into the Mountie hassling Nathan. He wants to know what this is about. Why is he treating Nathan like this. The Mountie seems to have a grudge.

Elizabeth and Helen talk about her divorce and Lucas. She shares that she hasn’t shown her vulnerable side to her husband in a long time. Elizabeth tells her to try again. True love doesn’t give up. Helen cries. Jack goes to her. Elizabeth urges her to let her softer side through and hug him. She thanks Elizabeth.

Faith confronts Carson. Molly tries to excuse herself. Faith tells her to stay. Carson tells her to go. Faith tries to explain herself but Carson shuts her down. Meanwhile, Rosemary has a surprise for lee in the backyard. Still on a joyride, Jesse runs out of gas far from town.

Bill and Nathan talk about his case. Helen says goodbye to Lucas. Elizabeth shows up. Lucas is short with her. He is upset. He thought his parents loved one another. She tells him about fighting for love. He asks her what she knows about love before walking off and turning to see her. At that moment, Nathan arrives and stares at her. She stares at them both before leaving.


WCTHWCTH Season 8 PremiereWhen Calls the HeartWhen Calls The Heart PremiereWhen Calls The Heart Season 8 Episode 3When Calls The Heart Season 8 Episode 3 Recap 03/7/21
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