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Nathan is finally going to get Allie’s adoption finalized. Lucas starts to become suspicious of Christopher’s behavior.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our When Calls The Heart recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!
Tonight’s When Calls The Heart recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
In tonight’s WCTH episode, Florence waits by Ned’s bedside after he collapses. Elizabeth visits with Lucas at the saloon. He shares the good news that his parents are working it out. He thanks her for helping him. He tries to hold her hand but she pulls away.
Faith and Carson cannot understand why Ned declined to quickly. Joseph stops by. He wants to hold a prayer vigil. They agree that would be good. Carson thinks he may need to operate.
Jospeh arrives at the saloon to ask Elizabeth about using her school since it is a church. She thinks this is a great idea. Meanwhile, Nathan and Bill go over his adoption papers at the saloon. He is making it official in a few days. Nathan invites Elizabeth to the ceremony. She is happy to come.
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Clara sits with Rosemary at the saloon. She is worried about Jesse. Christopher stops by to ask about Rachel. Rosemary is short with him. When Lee comes in she tells him she doesn’t trust Christopher.
Elizabeth visits the clinic. Ned’s gallbladder needs to be removed. He will need an operation. Elizabeth comforts Florence. They visit Ned at the bedside. Ned proposes to Florence. She tells him yes. They all smile.
Elizabeth gets Florence to leave the store and let Rosemary fill in the next day. Christopher is late for work, making Henry upset. Jesse finally shows at the cafe. Clara is happy but still untrusting since he used their savings without her knowledge.
Elizabeth works with Mini and Angela while Faith and Carson work to help Ned. He isn’t getting any better. Florence shows up. She is a wreck. She sits with Ned and sings to him.
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Allie and Nathan are eating at the cafe when they see Elizabeth. Allie notices the way Elizabeth smiles at him. They talk about her adoption. She wants him to say something less formal at their adoption ceremony. Something along the lines of how he will never leave her. He hugs her, telling her that is what he plans to say.
Henry and Christoper talk about his step father who thinks Henry is dishonest. Henry doesn’t care. He has made some mistakes but he is working hard. Christopher wants to stay and work with him. Lucas welcomes Christopher and asks him if he likes his stay at the saloon so far. Christopher would like a bigger room.
Rosemary gabs on the phone at the mercantile. She loves her new temporary job. Lee is trying to find his pocket watch but she is too busy to help. He stops by to see Bill. They talk about his past as a Mountie. Bill lets him try on his red coat.
Carson has to operate on Ned as an emeritus as he is getting worse. Clara stops by the Cannfields. She talks to Jospeh about Jesse and their marriage. At the saloon, Lee asks around about his pocket watch. Lucas asks Christopher about it. He lies. Lucas knows this. He tells him if he is picking pockets he will see him out of town.
Minnie finds Joseph at church. He tells her about his calling and God and the need to make something of himself. Outside the clinic, Nathan runs into Elizabeth. Its late and cold. He offers her a coat. She accepts. They talk about Allie and the adoption and how Nathan doesn’t understand how her dad could leave her. Elizabeth thinks maybe sometimes when you lose someone you love so much it rips you apart. Nathan has yet to experience this.
Nathan recovers a stolen car outside of town that Christopher was driving. Lucas walks Elizabeth home so she can get ready for Allie’s ceremony. Meanwhile, Jesse visits Clara at the dress shop. He is angry Rachel is shortening Clara’s skirt. He leaves.
Ned wakes. He and Florence stare at each other with love. He is sure he had a high fever but glad he asked her to marry him. She laughs.
Elizabeth shows up at Allie’s ceremony. She and Nathan realize she only invited the two of them. They smile awkwardly and knowingly at one another.
Team Nathan. I don’t trust Lucas.
Team Nathan
Team Lucas. I like him. He is kind and patient with Elizabeth and I am glad they r getting closer.
I love Lucas … the Nathan team always say they don't trust Lucas. And I can say that about Nathan. I saw in the last 8 episode where Elizabeth confronts Nathan demanding answers about ..Fort Clay and Jack being there too. what does he know?