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Rosemary and Lee struggle to give Rachel the freedom she was promised in Hope Valley. Bill feels displaced when he’s asked to finally return his Mountie uniform.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our When Calls The Heart recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!
Tonight’s When Calls The Heart recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
In tonight’s episode of When Calls The Heart, Elizabeth tries to talk with Nathan in town about Allie’s ceremony. She didn’t know she was the only one invited and it was awkward. Nathan tells her it will have to wait. But just so she knows, she was not originally invited. There has been a prisoner escape at a nearby penitentiary. Lucas overhears. Elizabeth tries to explain but Lucas is busy. He isn’t mad but would like to have dinner with her so they can talk further.
Elizabeth and Rosemary meet. She tells her over tea about Nathan while Rosemary shares she doesn’t know what to do in terms of her career. Meanwhile, Florence will not let Ned work. She has Robert fill in for him.
Faith tells Molly she may have to leave with Carson to his fellowship in Baltimore to get him to go. Bill tells Lee he is having trouble returning his Mountie jacket. Christopher visits Rachel at the shop. Rosemary intervenes immediately.
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Elizabeth visits Angela and her family. Minnie loves her horse. She tells her it was Jack’s. Minnie grabs Elizabeth’s hands, telling her how it must be hard for her. Elizabeth doesn’t seem to want to talk about it. She gets excited when talk is switched to Angela willing to read. They make plans to meet at school.
Christoper sneaks over to see Rachel when Rosemary is gone. They kiss and plan to meet later. Meanwhile, Henry becomes angry when Nathan questions him about Christopher and a stolen car.
Lee tells Molly about Bill’s reluctance to return his uniform while Nathan and Allie talk about the adoption ceremony. Florence interrupts, she ha
s a message for him. The prisoner is on the lose again. Elizabeth finishes her first lesson with Angelina. Elizabeth says goodbye to Angelina and her family when she sees Allie, sitting and looking upset. When she turns to go see her she is gone. Christopher comes out of his dad’s office, yelling. Henry is out of it. Carson and Faith run to help. Christopher yells at Lucas for overworking and stressing his dad out.
Elizabeth visits Lucas in his office to make sure he is all right. He thanks her for sitting with him. They almost kiss. He is happy to be patient with her. They both decide it is best she leave.
Henry sits with Carson at the saloon. They talk about his health and Christopher. He saw that his son was upset and this changed things for him. Outside, Rachel comforts Christopher. She tells him to take a chance on caring for others. They kiss goodnight. Meanwhile, Lee tells Rosemary his sister would like Rachel to return home to celebrate her birthday.
Rachel waits for Christopher at the dress shop. Faith and Carson talk. She thinks she can do more here and he thinks they can do more in Baltimore. Faith doesn’t want to leave after all. Carson doesn’t say much.
Lucas tries to make things right with Christopher who isn’t looking to talk. As Lucas leaves the job site, Nathan approaches. He tells him he hasn’t given up on Elizabeth just yet. Jesse finally visits the cafe to see Clara to talk.
Allie brings Elizabeth an invite to dinner to apologize for the adoption ceremony. Elizabeth tells her she cannot come. Allie gets angry and storms off. Meanwhile, Lee comes to bring Rachel to the train station. Rachel thinks her mom is going to make her stay. Rosemary shares that the dress shop isn’t being sold after all. Lee also has good news. He found his pocket watch. Rachel secretly put it in his car after getting it back from Christopher.
Florence apologizes to Ned for making him relax after his surgery. Molly wishes Bill a good trip to return his uniform. She tells him to put it on one last time. He comes out of the police station to see the entire town, there to celebrate him. Elizabeth and Nathan argue while the town celebrates. She feels bad about Allie. She will take the blame. He disagrees. He finally tells her he was supposed to lead the mission at Fort Clay that killed Jack. She gets upset and storms off.