When Calls The Heart Season 9 Episode 2 Teaser Sees Nathan Injured

When Calls The HeartSeason 9 of When Calls the Heart has certainly started off on a dramatic note. In a teaser clip for Sunday’s new episode of the Hallmark Channel series, Mountie Nathan Grant (Kevin McGarry) has apparently got into an accident. While the teaser doesn’t show the accident itself, it does reveal Nathan in the infirmary and things don’t look good for Elizabeth’s former suitor.

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When Calls The Heart Season 9 Episode 2 – Nathan McGarry Loses His Memory

Fans will remember the dramatic ending of season 8, where Elizabeth finally chose Lucas, ending the love triangle. Despite that, Nathan is still around in the new season but soon gets into trouble. A teaser clip for episode 2, airing this coming Sunday, reveals the story. It seems Nathan has been involved in an accident with a car on the road outside Hope Valley. While the clip doesn’t reveal the accident itself, it does show the alarming results of the accident.

In the teaser for the episode titled Out Like a Lamb, Lucas (Chris McNally) tells Elizabeth (Erin Krakow) that Nathan has been involved in an accident. She immediately heads to the infirmary, where Nathan is lying injured in a hospital bed. He is being tended to by Faith (Andrea Brooks) and Mei Sou (Amanda Wong), but the extent of his injuries isn’t clear. The only thing Faith tells Elizabeth in the clips is that “he may have some memory loss.”

It turns out Faith is right, as Nathan comes around, takes one look at Elizabeth, and asks, “Who are you?”

Have a look at the preview here:

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When Calls The Heart  Spoilers Season 9 Episode 2 – Hope Valley Electing The New Mayor

In the meantime, the teaser also briefly touches on the mayoral race in Hope Valley. The residents prepare to go to the polls in the upcoming episode. At this time, Lee (Kavan Smith), Bill (Jack Wagner) and Hickam (Ben Rosenbaum) are all in the race for the job. However, who will win? Readers might remember that an earlier teaser for the new season of When Calls the Heart revealed some confusion over the outcome of the vote.

In that earlier clip, an apologetic Ned (Hrothgar Mathews) tells onlookers that the results of the Hope Valley mayor’s election are “inconclusive.” He then tells the anxious townsfolk that they will be conducting a recount.

When Calls The Heart Spoilers – Episode 2 Of Season 9 Of When Calls The Heart Airs Sunday, March 13, At 8 pm ET On Hallmark Channel.

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Readers, are you looking forward to episode 2, to find out not only what happens with Nathan, but also the outcome of the election? Let us know by dropping your thoughts below.

Erin KrakowHallmarkLori LoughlinWCTHWCTH NewsWhen Calls the HeartWhen Calls The Heart NewsWhen Calls The Heart Season 9When Calls The Heart Spoilers
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  • Guest

    Nathan est amnésique pour une courte période j'imagine – Fascinant car bien des fans de Jack voulaient une amnésie prolongée et demandaient de faire revenir Jack sous cette possibilité. Enfin, j'espère que nous verrons notre couple E/L plus de minutes qu'au premier épisode. Après tout, ils sont le couple principal de la série, il faudrait que ça paraisse.