When Calls The Heart Premiere Recap 02/21/21: Season 8 Episode 1 “Open Season”

When Calls The Heart Recap 02/21/21: Season 8 Episode 1 "Open Season"Tonight on the Hallmark Chanel When Calls The Heart airs with an all-new Sunday, February 21, 2021, season 8 episode 1 and we have your When Calls The Heart recap below. On tonight’s  WCTH season 8 episode 1 called, “Open Season” as per the Hallmark Channel synopsis, “Elizabeth tries to come to terms with how she feels about Nathan and Lucas.

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A visitor causes trouble for Nathan, Faith arrives back from medical school, Jesse and Clara have issues, and Fiona starts an exciting venture.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our When Calls The Heart recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s When Calls The Heart recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of When Calls The Heart opens with Elizabeth playing with Jack when Nathan arrives. He asks if she would like to have dinner. She says she will let him know. Lee and Rosemary are away on a cruise as well as Lucas. Elizabeth didn’t talk to Lucas much before he left and she has been avoiding Nathan, she admits to herself. She knows she cannot see them both as romantic interests.

Lucas knocks on Elizabeth’s door. He is back and sorry he left without saying much. He saw her embrace Nathan at the party. It made him jealous. But he wants to talk later.

Jesse and Clara have been bickering. She arrives at work. Fiona offers her sometime off. Carson stops by the see if anyone has heard from Faith. She hasn’t sent a word since leaving for Chicago.

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Someone from Nathan’s past has arrived in town. He wants money and he will go away. Nathan agrees to it.

Rosemary and Lee arrive in town. Elizabeth and the others are so excited. They weren’t suppose to be back so soon. Suddenly another horse and carriage arrives in town. Its Faith. Carson comes running. A man named Brett has escorted her after her carriage broke down. She sent a wire to Carson but he shares that it has 5 days.

Nathan heads to pick up Ally at school. He tells her he plans to start her adoption. She tells all of her friends and Elizabeth. She picks up on Nathan acting different. She ask him about the man she saw in town talking to him. Nathan tells her just someone from his past.

Faith asks Carson why he seemed upset when she arrived. He shares that he hasn’t seen her. This year has crawled and they talked less and less. He worried they were growing apart.

Bill shares his chili with some of the ladies at the restaurant. One of them tells him it isn’t very good. Meanwhile, Lee arrives at work to see Jesse. He thanks him for watching over the business. Jesse tells him how work was fine but home has been tough. Lee offers to talk but he doesn’t want to. Clara heads to see Rosemary and cries about her and Jesse’s troubles.

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Carson sings to Faith by the river. He admits he was jealous when she arrived by carriage with that man.

Nathan borrows $1k from Lucas. He doesn’t say why just that it is serious. Elizabeth and Rosemary walk the field talking about her trip. Elizabeth shares that she finally finished her book.

Bill and Nathan talk. Nathan tells him about the man and how he needs to meet him. Bill wants to go but Nathan tells him no way. He needs Bill to stay back and watch the town.

Lucas works to extract the oil from some land while Lee comes to get some papers at work. He finds Jesse still there. Lee asks if things are that bad at home but Jesse shares that he didn’t realize the time.

Nathan stops by Elizabeth’s to cancel their dinner. He needs to go into town. She notice he is acting differently again. She asks him to be safe.

Fiona sneaks Clara off to see something. They arrive inside a building. Faith is there. They all greet each other excited before talking about their bumpy relationships. Fiona then has them look around at her new barber shop!

Lee and Rosemary plot how to help Jesse and Clara. Out on the woods on the trail, Nathan is pulled off his horse unexpectedly by the man with a rope. He falls. The man, who shares that he is Ally’s biological father, takes the money, Nathan’s gun and his horse. Nathan is left there on the ground in pain.

Bill thinks Fiona and Clara are acting funny. He sneaks behind them and follows them but is interrupted by someone. Nathan walks through the woods on guard. He horse comes from behind him. He smiles. He plans to go make an arrest.

Lucas shows up at Elizabeth’s. He shares he went visit friends in Louisiana after she asks where he really went. He needed to gain perspective. Meanwhile, Clara helps Fiona paint her shop.

Ally’s dad, Dylan, hides the money in his cabin. Nathan arrives. Dylan pulls a gun. He points it at Nathan but the Mounties come out of nowhere, stopping him. He puts the gun down.

Nathan returns to Elizabeth’s. He asks her to dinner since he is back in time. She doesn’t have a sitter. He offers for her to bring Jack and he will bring Ally. She agrees with a smile.

Lee brings Jesse out to the woods. He has no idea what is going on. He has so many questions. Lee tells him to relax. He brings him to flowers where he first kissed Clara. He tells him love is a choice and he needs to remember that. He needs to work on his marriage everyday.

Jesse brings Clara flowers and apologizes. She smiles and accepts. Lee and Rosemary arrive in town to see them. They give them both a two seater bike. It is a thanks for Jesse watching over the business.

Elizabeth, Nathan and the kids run into Lucas in town. He is helping his mother out of a carriage. They all talk. Elizabeth shares after she needs to go home. She isn’t feeling well. Nathan takes her, confused.


WCTHWCTH Season 8 PremiereWhen Calls the HeartWhen Calls The Heart PremiereWhen Calls The Heart Season 8 Episode 1When Calls The Heart Season 8 Episode 1 Recap 02/21/21
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  • Guest

    terrible season opener.