When Calls The Heart Premiere Recap & Spoilers 01/05/25: Season 12 Episode 1 “The Mountie Way”
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Tonight on the Hallmark Chanel When Calls The Heart airs with an all-new Sunday, January 5, 2025, season 12 episode 1 and we have your When Calls The Heart recap below. On tonight’s WCTH season 12 episode 1 called, “The Mountie Way” as per the Hallmark Channel synopsis,
“Elizabeth helps Allie plan a birthday dance, and Nathan struggles with Allie growing up. Rosemary and Bill team up again to investigate a train robbery. Lucas lends Edie a hand.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our When Calls The Heartrecap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!
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In tonight’s WCTH episode, Superintendent Hargraves returned to town tonight to give something to Elizabeth. Elizabeth lost her husband Jack years ago. He actually worked under Hargraves in the mountaineers. Jack sadly died on the job during a mudslide and only now have they found his things.
Like his medal of valor. The medal was the highest achievement for any mountie. Hargraves returned it to Elizabeth now that it had been found. Hargraves also mentioned to Elizabeth’s new beau that they were sending a new recruit to the valley. Nathan was also a Mountie and unfortunately it falls on him to help train the new guy.
When he wasn’t worried about the recruit, he was doing his best to ignore the rumor mill. Nathan and Elizabeth’s relationship was now official. Everyone knows about it. They talked about it. They gossiped about it. They sent the couple’s giggling looks.
Elizabeth was doing her best to ignore it because she had more pressing concerns. Her son was now ready to start school. Little Jack was at that age. Elizabeth was going to be both mother and teacher to him. She was also about to lose some of her older students when they graduate soon.
Some of the older girls have already started talking about college. Joseph and Minnie’s girl was talking about college in Hamilton. It was a school for people of color and so the girl wasn’t worried about feeling left out, but her parents were concerned that the school would be so far away.
MUST READ: When Calls The Heart Spoilers: Tough Times Ahead For Elizabeth And Nathan?
They told their daughter to hold off on thinking about colleges for now and to just focus on her last year in girlhood. Angela was a good kid. Everyone was proud of her. They were going to miss her if she goes to Hamilton.
Lee hasn’t even accepted a job in the city yet and his family already misses him. Lucas offered Lee a great opportunity to build his legacy. He could help build a national park. There was just one problem with the project and that was with it being miles away from the valley.
Lee would have to live away from his family. It wouldn’t be forever. It would be months to a year. Lee was also wavering on taking the job because his daughter is still young. Goldie was a toddler. She was changing everyday. And if Lee took the job, he was going to miss a lot of milestones.
Not to mention he’d be working with Lucas. Lucas needed Lee to be the face of the project. He burned a lot of bridges with his scandal. He needed Lee the family guy to be the face of the project and Rosemary knew that. She doesn’t trust Lucas.
She was worried he was still up to something shady. She was against her husband moving to Capital City because she wanted to be there to protect him if his enemies try another go. Rosemary was against the move. Her husband on the other hand felt he should move because the project itself was too important.
They were still going back and forth when the new recruit came to town. Oliver Garrett was young. He was impressionable. He looked to the future. He follows all of the new scientific discoveries and he wanted to one day to become a great Mountie.
Oliver even knew about Elizabeth’s late husband. Jack Thornton was considered a legendary hero for his work. Oliver couldn’t help gushing about the man when he met Elizabeth and this kinda put Nathan on the backfoot. Nathan could see that Olivier was a good young man. He wasn’t upset with him mentioning Jack.
It just reminded Nathan that he has a lot to live up to if things with Elizabeth progress. Nathan was a great Mountie himself and, while he hasn’t become as legendary as Jack, he still does his job well. Only being reminded about Jack twice now in a matter of days has got him thinking.
Nathan was supposed to have an outing with Elizabeth and little Jack. Elizabeth had to pull out because something came up. She told Nathan to go without her with little Jack. And even that felt like a test to Nathan.
Little Jack asked Nathan about his dad. The little boy was given his father’s medal of valor. He wears it all the time now and it made him curious. He asked Nathan if he knew his dad. Nathan sadly never met the elder Jack only the little Jack could see that Nathan was feeling insecure.
He told Nathan that he was a great Mountie too. Little Jack really likes Nathan. It was Nathan that was worried over nothing. Nathan thought that the little boy would grow up and come to blame the mountaineers for what happened to his dad.
Nathan was being irrational. Which Rosemarry pointed out to him when they talked. Rosemary also saw that she was being unreasonable herself and so she agreed Lee could go head the project in Capitol City. She caved once she heard the National Park would be named after her daughter.
She agreed Lee could spend the week in the city and come home on the weekend. She also reminded Nathan that both Elizabeth and little Jack are happy with him. He shouldn’t worry about a future quarrel that might never be.
Nathan also has his hands full with trying to figure out Oliver. Oliver reads all the books. This included the ones no longer in use and he was a dedicated Mountie. It just doesn’t make sense that this same kid would be at the bottom of his class. Bill thought the kid lacked confidence.
Nathan thought something felt off about the kid. Oliver’s father died. His mom moved away. He doesn’t seem to have any other family. He made the mounties his whole life. And so Nathan ignored his gut on this one because he was still worried about finding his place with Elizabeth and little Jack.
And Lucas started being shady on the next train ride out of Hope Valley.
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